@Rangers de New York

Qui a signé ça tu penses ?

Qui a signé ça tu penses ?



  1. Reddit040

    That’s Brian Leetch at the bottom for sure. I think above it is Stefan Matteau and Ron Greshner. No idea who’s sig is in the red.

  2. SnapsMcGhee

    Greschner, Matteau, Leetch and ?

  3. defigravity42

    Weeksey, Gresh, Mattheau and Leetchy

  4. magicnyr94

    It’s gresch, Matthau, Leetch and weekes. I have all 4 on different pieces

  5. Smorgas-board

    Greschner, Matteau, Leetch on the white. Idk who too right is

  6. We know that #4 isn’t Big Bad Brad Brown.

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