@Kraken de Seattle

Fil du jour – 17 septembre 2022

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[Have you tried the /r/SeattleKraken Discord?](https://discord.gg/ajgvaXWHBQ)

[Want to buy or sell tickets? See the tickets megathread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleKraken/comments/qr667w/ticket_sale_megathread_20212022/?sort=new)

[New to hockey? See this handy guide.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1It3CMBWNxWM88uwL5Cf2HydnvJNPa_udHrof9VbJFhE/edit)

[Questions on how to watch? See this TV/Streaming guide.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleKraken/comments/pvxh8a/kraken_tv_and_streaming_guide_where_you_can_watch/) **Allons-y Kraken !**


1 Comment

  1. futuregoalie

    Does anyone else ever rewatch old games? I miss the boys and wanted to relive Driedger’s shutout so I have that game on right now. I forgot how witty Forslund is, I can’t wait for the season to start!

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