@Canadiens de Montréal

Premier tour, Gm 1 : Capitals @ Panthers 5/3 | Séries éliminatoires de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Capitals de Washington aux Panthers de la Floride


  1. all giroux's fault. terrible pass on the entry then didnt back-check well enough and his guy scored. what a joke. SKATE!! This is the playoffs!

  2. I'm a sort of new to hockey fan, and I hear a term I'm not familiar with during last night's telecast.
    Can anyone who knows hockey please explain to me what a regular season "game in hand" mean? I tried to look it up and the only video I found on ESPN is Barry Melrose saying (again, during the regular season) that they are very important and you have to win those, or something to that effect…

  3. Florida showing their playoff inexperience.

    May not be a sweep, but Florida most likely wont advance.

  4. Man I love the capitals
    Leafs are the team i cheer for ,
    But the caps are great to watch

  5. Thank you giroux for going with the panthers . You chose wrong but thank you we got more chess pieces by not coming to AVS

  6. Florida is in trouble. i can already tell it, caught flatfooted just like last year early in the series! of course not catching any breaks as usual for panthers playoff hockey. we need to win game 2 if there's going to be any series. such a good regular season, but will mean absolutely nothing if we don't win it all, and this is the year to finally bring the cup to soflo!!! Again putting to much of a load on Bob, he played well given the circumstances.

  7. imma panthers fan but man series is over. this time it hurts because we had such a great regular season!

  8. Man who's nets off really needs to drop the whole bird celly. It's just embarrassing.

  9. I knew that the Panthers reliance on 3v3 OT and high goal games would get them good in the playoffs.

  10. That Bob's save in 34th minute was terrific! Very fast move to different angle and skate was early enough to be even over the pipe.

  11. Bobrovsky was an unfortunate goat in the third period. His play in periods 1 and 2 kept Florida in the game. The Panthers need to score 4 or 5 goals a game because Washington broke their defense down for what otherwise would have been an additional 2-3 goals.

  12. all the pessimist comments after game 1. everyone knows the playoffs are a grind-game. although I call florida is more of an explosive team than a grindy one.

  13. The capitals are now the seasoned vets on the ice. After years of playoff implosions, they are now the ones who don’t get rattled.

  14. Curse of the presidents trophy. Dont think any team thats won it in recent years has done anything spectacular in the playoffs.

  15. Знал что флорида не пройдет 1 раунд
    Нет опыта , исполнители слабые
    Рвали в мягком чемпионате силы просто так

  16. kind of interesting that you didnt use the national broadcast for the highlights lol

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