@Panthers de la Floride

Faits saillants de la LNH | Lightning contre Panthers – 24 avril 2022

Nick Paul a marqué deux buts, dont un entre les jambes, alors que le Lightning de Tampa Bay battait les Panthers de la Floride 8-4.


  1. Короче получили все . И Василевский и Бобровский и особенно Сергачев.

  2. У "Боба" просто "ахриненный" сменщик бросок гол, бросок гол с таким и в ВХЛ делать нечего, вот у "Рантер" руки и опустились, когда за спиной в воротах просто чучело стоит.

  3. Remember when the lightning tied the record for most regular season wins and then got bounced in 4 by the Blue Jackets? I know the Lightning do. They've been coasting these past few weeks. When Toronto came to town, play off mode was engaged……and the Grumpy Cats? Nope.

  4. Вот такая мне Тампа больше нравится))

  5. Лучше бы у тебя заболел живот Боб!Вышел как спасатель тонущих,а получилось наоборот-стал камнем!

  6. I really liked Stammer's goal celebration in the last goal. A wise man said: "If you score a goal, act as if you have scored before", and Stamkos certainly has scored before. Henrik Zetterberg also did this when he was a veteran. There are three times when you can celebrate a lot (a) when you score your first goal, (b) when you score an OT winner in the playoffs, and when you win the cup.

  7. Если бы Кучеров не отъехал Марун раздавил бы его

  8. Даже повторы смотреть приятно, потому что Тампа – это хорошая хоккейная семья!
    За Тампу !!!❤

  9. Lomberg gets suspended and the coach gets fined as a result. Kinda dumb. Does Lomberg think he is intimidating the Champs?? I'd like to understand his mindset.

  10. My first ever live NHL game was on 10 March 2014 at [ what was then called ] Verizon Center. IT WAS KUZYS DEBUT! How cool is that? No one had any idea who the young man was. It's so awesome I have pictures of his first warm-ups; photos from his first shifts [ not even intentionally to photograph Kuzy but the game in-general;as it was my first time ] Wanna know what else is crazy? During one of our intermissions there was a typed message on the big board about Rich Peverley; that he was in critical condition but was stabilized. How crazy is that sht!? Eitness3d the debut of the man who would finally down Pittsburgh and not only that; but the man who would take us ALL THE WAY home to the Stanley Cup. The Penguins wete in town to face our hometown Capitals; go figure. It was the first game of a Home and Home that would be completed the following night at [ I think the branding was ]" Consol Energy Center. " It was so cool. Got to see Sidney Crosby HAMMER a one-timer from the circle on the PP; 15 feet away and 10 feet down from me. We had the first row in the corner section; right above the lower bowl. Like; if you tripped; you're taking a decent fall. The seats were just U N R E A L . Side PP goal was purposely modeled like a Ovis one-timer. He literally came to D C. and scored Ovechkins shot at Ovis home ice. Couldn't do anything but respect it. It was just amazing. How insane is all of that? That's my Kuznetsov-related story.

  11. not to be one of those guys, but i seriously might stop watching hockey if a team from FLORIDA wins the stanley cup 3 years in a row

  12. "Тампа" наглядно продемонстрировала, кто в доме хозяин… Как всегда, в преддверии плей-офф набирает ход, выходит на пик формы, и третий подряд Кубок Стэнли не за горами….

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