@Capitals de Washington

Capitals @ Canadiens 4/16 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Capitals de Washington aux Canadiens de Montréal


  1. Montembeault will need mental support if it continues like this. Already he lacks physical and sports support from his team. Otherwise a great shot for Suzuki's 20th 🏒

  2. Score a goal and give up a goal 🤦🏻‍♂️ makes no sense the goalie situation sucks in DC

  3. Definition of Caps: can dominate anyone when they show up, and can get dominated by anyone when they don’t show up

  4. Honestly there was maybe 1-2 goals that he shoulda saved. The others u cant blame him.

  5. I was at the bell center that game. When montembeaut went down the tunnel after the third he was throwing all his gear at the walls, price walked behind him

  6. They simply do not have NHL talent … yet. The season was over in October and hopefully, the draft goes our way. No point bagging on Monty; he was atyhird string goalies when Florida released him; why would he suddenly become a starter. But he is way ahead of Primeau who will never make it to gthe NHL; at least hope not with the Habs.
    Romanov needs to be shut down. He is on the ice for every opposition goal. If he is our future, then why risk injury. He has played a ton of minutes. We know what we have in him. In two years time, there will be four better D men on this team than Romanov — Ghule, Mallioux, Harris and Barron. Do not overspend to keep Romy here. He has seven total points tghis year. Come on — why is this kid heralded as the next Markov.

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