@Panthers de la Floride

Faits saillants du match 2 de la LNH | Lightning contre Panthers – 19 mai 2022

Ross Colton a marqué le but vainqueur avec seulement 3,8 secondes à jouer, et le Lightning de Tampa Bay a pris une avance de 2-0 en battant les Panthers de la Floride 2-1.


  1. Nikita Kucherov is the MVP again this series without him the lightnings could have lost in overtime

  2. самое прикольное в этой серии – лицо тренера флориды. у меня такое лицо было, когда я посещал балетные спектакли

  3. they should've included all those badass blocks by Stamkos, Hagel, Cherniak and others. these guys deserved this win today!

  4. As leaf fan the best thing about having my team eliminated in 1st rd is that I don't waste my time watching hockey anymore eccept a 10 min highlight

  5. Если Тампа одолела Торонто с Мэтьюзом и Ко,то остальные им не страшны!Только бы Пойнт поправился ещё!Тогда их никто не остановит!

  6. I am gonna go against the entire comment section and say the panthers will make a come back and win the series (no actual arguments to back it up I just wanna see if this comment can age better than the other ones 😂)

  7. Small margins 😿 So small. Cats have a good chance still. Focus on next shift, next period, next game.

    Maybe Coach Brunette would play the lines and pairings that worked in regular season.
    Go Cats!

  8. No longer we have national team but we have two best goaltenders! I`m from Russia and let the peace comes!

  9. Tampa Bay ,es Hitman.Los fuertes! No se dude que repitan la corona.Saludos desde República Dominicana, a todo el mundo y busquen de Jehová y su hijo Jesuscristo .Es la mejor vida ser cristiano,pero no cristiano de la secreta.Un cristiano de verdad.Alabado sea el hockey y el Señor que nos dio la inteligencia para inventar!

  10. Panthers coach Andrew Brunette … "For 59:40, we had very little mistakes and were kind of hanging in the game and managing it extremely well,"
    The Cup is not about minutes and seconds. It is about goals and wining. Such an explanation Mr Coach, means you didn't win which means your minutes and second Do Not Matter!
    Lets GO BOLTS !!!

  11. PLS stop spoiling these vids below the video. "Ross Colton scored the game-winner with just 3.8 seconds remaining, and the Tampa Bay Lightning took a 2-0 series lead by defeating the …"

  12. I thought I’d miss part of the Avalanche vs Blues game when I thought this game was heading to overtime but it didn’t

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