@Ducks d'Anaheim

Quelle est la qualité de MASON MCTAVISH ? (Perspective des canards d’Anaheim)

Dans cette vidéo, nous parlons du meilleur espoir actuel des Anaheim Ducks, Mason McTavish ! Il a été le 3e choix au repêchage de la LNH en 2021 et a acquis beaucoup d’expérience de jeu dans diverses ligues au cours de la dernière année et demie. #masonmctavish #anaheimducks #nhl Entreprise : dropthepuckbusiness@gmail.com


  1. Great video man. Thought you were spot on with all your assessments and broke down his game and potential impact perfectly. I had him very close to what you did in terms of his ceiling. I feel like the 60-65 point range is pretty plausible for him in terms of what type of production he can consistently put up. And I can see him hitting 70 maybe a couple seasons at least if he fully taps into his offensive skill set. If there’s a year where he comes super close to being a ppg player I feel like that would be in a season where he didn’t play as many games. For instance if he played only 55 games one year due to injury I could see him recording just south of 50 points and produce very efficiently because he’s that talented. However I feel that he could be somewhat of a streaky scorer and enter prolonged slumps which is why I don’t feel he could maintain a crazy pace during a full 82 games and get like 75 points or something. Hopefully he proves me wrong but even if the production ends up not being where it could’ve been I’m sure Ducks nation will be satisfied considering everything else he brings to the table

  2. Also seeing Mason’s development has been great. I was admittedly pretty annoyed with the selection of him at first, in part because of how high I was on guys like Eklund and Guenther but mostly because I didn’t know much at all about McTavish’s game aside from hearing his name mentioned a couple times. That pick is looking better by the day though. He might not be the offensive dynamo of that draft (despite his great hands and shot) but he’s probably exactly the type of center we needed to compliment Z down the middle for years to come. The dichotomy in their play styles gives opponents contrasting outlooks on how to match up vs each of their lines. The most impressive thing to me about McTavish is how refined he is at his age

  3. Mason and Trevor will be linemates and become the next getzlaf & perry

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