@Red Wings de Détroit

Hockeytown : Saison 1996-1997 du championnat de la LNH des Detroit Red Wings

La vidéo des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley pour la saison 1996-1997 des Red Wings de Detroit. Prendre plaisir.


  1. Man what a hit Vladdy put on the flyer player! At 48:27. He would read the offense regroup and he catches you with your head down wit the puck in your skates he would just blast people. One of the best open ice hitters and best all around checking players ever! It’s so sad that he was unable to finish his career. We would have witnessed soooo so many more crazy huge body checks!

  2. Still this day i hate the red wings for what they did to us …swept us…especially the 1st 2 home games….but realistically..they were outstanding..they were a most all pro team with the russian speed and phisicallality they had….then they swept capitals the following year defending their cup…i think they were the greatest back to back team of all time…me hating to say it as a flyers fan.

  3. I remember crying after game 2 in cup finals dat year know my flyers had to go up there in Detroit down 0-2

  4. I think betweens 93-96 season wings had with the eliminations they had..and each year they were getting better with mostly the same players they had….once they let let go primeau..cicerrelli and coffey…and adding shanahan…set the tone of their 2yr dynasty….they were better than great.

  5. Shanahan made such a big difference. He’d never played on a Stanley Cup winner before nor had he ever been to the finals, but he’s a player that was exactly what they needed and one that was built for playoff hockey. Tough, talented and competitive. Detroit had this “skilled but soft” rep before and the Shanahan deal coupled with the March brawl with Colorado, really sent a message that enough was enough

  6. 48:00 "Hextall would now face the full force of Detroit's offensive firepower."

    Shit gives me chills every time I watch this part. The music just fits perfectly

  7. Scotty Bowman saying he had the most frustration he's ever had…must have forgot about his time with the Sabres. Ironically, before he left he told the team to draft Shanahan number 1 but instead the team selected Pierre Turgeon.

  8. My dad dressed my brother up as Darren McCarty for Halloween that year and he got at least twice as much candy as me

  9. The first year Co. Gets a team beat the wings and how did Detroit get suck in the in a west coast division when there in east time zone?

  10. Two players from the 1980 US/USSR hockey teams played on the 96/97 Red Wings: Mike Ramsey and Slava Fetisov. Though Ramsey would retire early into the season, if he would have stayed they would have both hoisted the cup that year.

  11. Exactly like i have promised them on June 24, 1995 in New Jersey, the  
    Motor City Mercenaries, experienced the same, emotional thrill that the Devils
    enjoyed, as they swept the ugly Philadelphia Pumpkin heads, with a brilliant 
    2-1 victory in Game – 4 of the 97 Stanley Cup Final. Deep down in my heart, i was
    so proud of my beloved Red Wings, that glorious Saturday night at Joe Louis

  12. I fell in love with the wings. As a 10 year old kid I would watch this video over and over again. Brings back a lot of memories

  13. As a Colorado fan…I think we kinda knew deep down after that late March game….that might've changed a lot confidence wise…which is crazy for a regular season game,where we still won Presidents trophy. I despised Detroit back then…now I just have ultimate respect,& appreciation for both teams,& the rivalry. I still say 2002 Wings are the best team I've ever seen,& 2001 Avs are #2. Teams in the post salary cap era,don't even compare to those pre cap Wings,Avs,& Devil's. They just can't have the same depth,& star power…you can't cuz of the cap.

  14. Im so happy they never traded Chris Osgood, expecially with all the bullshit that was said about him, we kept our faith in him and my gosh it paid off. in my opinon i think he gave the team so much confedence in 2008 cause like coach babcock said when u switch goalies in the playoffs your usually fishing in a few days, but ozy had a mindset of his own that was so strong which he never got rateled expecially with all the pressure on him as well and when all the players saw that in his eyes it lit a fire up under there ass and the rest is history. He could have easily won the Con Smyth. Not to mention he helped take them all the way back to game 7 of the finals the next year. He obvisly did great threw his whole career its just in 08 he saved us

  15. I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5)
    Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:7)
    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
    The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. (Psalms 34:18)

  16. As cliche as it sounds it seems like yesterday. Me and my wife lived just 2 miles from the arena. The neighborhood that night was off the hinges.

  17. As a Rangers fan, the Dam Flyers got in our way in the Eastern Conference Finals. Possibly could've given Gretzky & Messier one more cup. But we'll never know. I was beyond excited seeing the Flyers get humiliated by the Red Wings!!

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