@Predators de Nashville

Predators @ Ducks 3/21 l Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Predators de Nashville aux Ducks d’Anaheim


  1. 1.its 2022 and this channel wont even give us the verdict of challenged/reviewed goals like the 1st Preds goal is just magically gone without telling us 2.good game by both teams most of the ducks good players are traded or injured Preds applied a lot of offensive pressure ggs to the ducks tho (that Duchene goal was gross tho)

  2. As an avs fan who always liked duchene and was sad to see him go I’m glad that he’s finally playing up to his huge contract. He’s always been fun to watch

  3. why are we not explaining what happened after that 2nd goal ?? it literally went in and the score went up then it just wasn't a goal. tf NHL ??

  4. Forsberg is scary… 50 games played, 35 goals, 28 assists for 63 points… oh and a +/- of 14 as well…

  5. So they show 3 replays of a, admittedly nice goal, but not one of Carriers that would clear up what the hell happened? Good logic, NHL, but attababy Preds, another good win, Stanley Cup, here we come!

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