@Red Wings de Détroit

Détroit Red Wings 2022 Goal Horn 🚨 (NOUVELLE CHANSON DE BUT !)

Corne de but des Detroit Red Wings utilisée pendant la saison 2021-2022 de la LNH à la Little Caesars Arena de Detroit, MI. __________________________________ 🚨 Téléchargez Goal Horn Hub pour plus de cornes de but et pas de réverbération ! 🚨 iOS : https://apps.apple.com/app/id1538079393?fbclid=IwAR1Ak0Vg4_UrlIi2V3sb_C_hY36KHV68b5bFyB4CaQYQB6sRWYuTXt68ue0 Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Lougheed.GoalHornApp the Goal 💒 Serveur Hub Discord ! 💬 https://discord.gg/h9ADsC3SDJ Twitter: @FamousGoalHorns __________________________________ – 2022 Wings Goal Horn – « Renonciation au droit d’auteur En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi de 1976 sur le droit d’auteur, une « utilisation équitable » est autorisée à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les nouvelles rapports, enseignement, érudition et recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement enfreindre. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur de l’utilisation équitable.


  1. Red wings are so disrespected by that goal horn and that stupid techno after the goal horn wtf is that song after it's terrible

  2. FamousGoalHorns I have a legit question. Going back and watching the video for the 2020 Red Wings goal horn I notice the recording in the video is better quality than the one in this video for 2022. Is it possible that the Red Wings recording has gotten worse over the past 2 years? Or did you use a different recording? Please respond, I’m just curious.

  3. That goal song! The Red Wings score and the crazy fans start taking bumps. All to get ready for “the song!” Seriously sounds Bad Boy Bill type house trans music.

  4. "Rattle" by Bingo Players…love that video (quack quack!)

  5. Wings fan here but I can't stand this (horrible) overhype goal song, hopefully they'll change it. I often dig the songs played when visitors score though, which is unfortunate.

  6. 🤬👎what is this crap 2l imited get ready for this is the best ever bring it back now

  7. It’s sad how they’ve went from Hockeytown to this in just a span of a few years

  8. what's the goal song called what's the goal song called I need to know!! Please tell meeeee!

  9. Fun fact: I unintentionally made pg 13 hockeyman's 2020 version of the red wings horn sound like a bad recording when it played and my phone speaker was muffled under my blankets

  10. I liked the goal song they had in 2019 but, honestly, this one is pretty rocking too.

  11. The Joe Lewis horn needs to come back . Not a fan of this recording of it ….when the wings score and it goes off live it honestly sounds like it’s muffled and the speaker is locked in a room somewhere in the arena

  12. Ugh that goal song doesn’t sound good at all Sounds like a throwback to the late 80s No offense to elite or the NHL but it’s my opinion

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