@Flames de Calgary

Flammes @ Canadiens 11/11/21 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Flames de Calgary aux Canadiens de Montréal


  1. Nice work French Canadian refs not being biased. (Checking box score, quality of penalties & last 2 goals of game)…oh, nevermind.

  2. What a unfortunate game for us. I don’t know what to say I feel like it is time for Vladar to go into our net it feels like Markstrom is tired so Vladar should be now in the net. Let’s regroup bounce back and let’s defeat Leafs tomorrow let’s go Flames!

  3. Someone who has gone to a game at the bell centre plz answer. Are there really just tons or empty seats or can ppl hang out around the rink in other places?

  4. Jake Allen is on a hot streak now & he's giving his team points now in 2 consecutive games.

  5. The way Montreal defense has jump into the offense attack seems to be working. Key saves by Allen goes a long way.

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