@Ducks d'Anaheim

Le voyage : Histoire de la marque Anaheim Ducks

Du lancement des Mighty Ducks en 1993 à un changement radical de marque en 2006 et son évolution jusqu’à aujourd’hui, c’est l’histoire de l’identité des Anaheim Ducks. Retracez le parcours de marque de l’équipe en jetant un coup d’œil à chaque logo et maillot qu’ils ont portés. Rapporté par Joshua Alexander. ▪️ CHAPITRES ▪️ 00:00 – Le nom et le logo sont révélés 02:10 – Le troisième maillot de Wild Wing 04:18 – Changement de nom des Ducks 05:50 – Évolution de la marque et Stadium Series 07:05 – Uniformes alternatifs Cet épisode de The Journey est apparu à l’origine dans l’épisode 1 d’IDENTITÉ.


  1. Why on earth would they do this atrocity? The mighty ducks logo was awesome. I heard some say it's silly and cartoonish. This is sports, not war. It captures the imagination of young kids wanting to play the sport.

    Bring back the original colors and logo, you Mighty Douches of Anaheim.

  2. Your production quality is over the top. This is far superior to anything espn or the like could put together. Keep up the amazing work.

  3. The Anahein D-Foot logo is the worst movement they could after the good decission of keeping similar name. It's ugly, ugly and ugly… but also ugly and simple. The Mighty Ducks old school mask logo was perfect.

  4. Can someone explain why these old fucks owning the teams all want this shitty tan colour on everything? Why do all the teams need to use the same thing God forbid be creative lol

  5. so goofy how he's wearing the jersey already and then pulls the sheet away to "reveal" the logo that everyone there clearly already can see on his jersey lol

  6. maybe an unpopular opinion but i think the current alternate (7:05) is the best jersey in their history. the classic logo works well and looks incredible with the orang and gold color scheme. they need to make this their regular home jersey and use a matching white away jersey

  7. Love the Orange, Black and Gold for them to go back to Jade and Eggplant. They could definitely use the old logo and make some great uniforms with those colors though

  8. You know the rebranding was a mistake when they still to this day use/refer to the old logo off and on. People all over the world recognize the original one (I'm from Australia btw). All they should have done is remove the "MIGHTY". If they kept the original logo, they would brought in so much revenue from merchandise ect. It would be the main team that casual Hockey fans support.

  9. Was born in Laguna Niguel, Orange County California in 1994 and have been a Duck's fan my entire life. I WISH the Ducks would go back to the Mighty Ducks and bring back the most recognizable and iconic jersey in all of sports!!!

  10. The original jade and eggplant jersey was perfection. Never forget watching my wings play them in ‘97 playoffs. Kariya and Selanne flying up and down the ice, looked so cool wearing that original jersey. Definitely respected the Ducks for battling so hard in that series.

  11. In my opinion, if they don’t want to return to their original uniform then they should make their orange alternate their home and have a white version of it for the away jerseys

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