@Kings de Los Angeles

Vidéo d’introduction des LA Kings 2020

« Pour traverser un marathon, il faut beaucoup de ces éléments intangibles. Il faut du cœur. Il faut de l’engagement. Il faut de la sueur, du sang et des larmes. Et il n’y a pas de raccourci – vous devez courir chaque mile. Cela prendra beaucoup de travail, mais nous sommes prêts à le faire. » Restez au courant des dernières nouvelles de Kings : http://LAKings.com Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : http://twitter.com/lakings Facebook : http://facebook.com/lakings Instagram : http : //instagram.com/lakings Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/TheOneAndOnlyLAKings #LAKings #NHL #GoKingsGo


  1. I'll be a happy Kings fan again when: The Kings worry more about playing hard and winning hockey games instead of trying to be woke, Blake is fired and Alex Faust is replaced by someone that actually knows how to call a hockey game…

    Until then GKG 🏆👑🏆

  2. I still remember 1992, and finally did it in 2012 and 2014. Keep it going GO 👑KING'S 👑GO!

  3. I became a fan when things were rough, so I'll stay a fan now that the 2012 glory days are over.
    Kings fan for life, even when the going gets rough.

  4. Been a die hard kings fan ever since I started playing the sport myself and remember WE ARE ALL KINGS

  5. Finally something not boring I’ll be able to enjoy relaxing my mind from this insane world we are in.

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