@Canadiens de Montréal

Voici le tweet obligatoire des statistiques d’Owen Beck. Attaque : Beaucoup d’occasions de marquer sur quelques tirs, crée encore plus d’occasions pour ses coéquipiers – joueur rare à diriger l’équipe dans les deux cas. Transition : pas de décharges, uniquement des entrées/sorties de grande valeur sans rotation. Défense : toutes les rondelles libres.

Voici le tweet obligatoire des statistiques d’Owen Beck. Attaque : Beaucoup d’occasions de marquer sur quelques tirs, crée encore plus d’occasions pour ses coéquipiers – joueur rare à diriger l’équipe dans les deux cas. Transition : pas de décharges, uniquement des entrées/sorties de grande valeur sans rotation. Défense : toutes les rondelles libres.



  1. KeepUpTheFPS

    All aboard the Beck express! Choochoo

  2. vasher02

    I gotta say I’m one who wasn’t super thrilled with picking Beck at 33, thought he was basically a safe pick, boring defensive center who would eventually be a 3rd line C at most, but he’s completely changed my mind. great player

  3. televisionceo

    It seems pretty good. Curious to see what he can do tonight with one good linemate and Hoffman. He will have a lot of icetime to prove he is the real deal

  4. xc2215x

    Glad to see that Owen Beck is doing all of that.

  5. dangerousrocks

    The reply tweet he said was just as intriguing:

    >While few of Beck’s results are elite in the data set (i.e. top-10) he posted more well-rounded results than 99 percent of the 600+ forwards in the data set, hence the [99] overall. That’s against CHLers and USHLers of all ages. He was a DY who missed a full season.

    That means only 6ish players had better all-around stats than him. Pretty interesting.

    A few other random thoughts:

    * Last years first round was a down year for OHL, but it is still regarded as the best junior development league in the world. Maybe it was a down year because of the year lost. If the lost year does not impact development uniformly across all players in the long term then maybe there is an argument that more OHLers should have gone in the first round. Maybe drafting OHLers was a bit of a ‘market inefficiency.’
    * I am pretty hyped about what I’ve saw out of Beck so far, but I’m reminded of an article I read some time back that examined players who were called « safe » or « well-rounded » in their draft years. Almost all the time these players don’t end up having an NHL career because they are missing the one elite skill to set them apart.
    * I find I can watch players and have an ok idea of what they project to be. What I have a hard time doing is projecting what the NHL will be in a few years. I think the game has changed like crazy, especially in the last 3-5 years. If I use the last 3-5 years of change to project the next 3-5 years of how the game will be played, I have a hard time predicting how much more emphasis there will be on high-end offensive skill (which Beck hasn’t necessarily shown yet). One thing that can be his saving grace is he is smart and I suspect much of the game at that level is mental, so he may be able to adapt better than others regardless of what the change is.

  6. Can someone confirm to me (stats class are far away) but if Z score = 0 it only means that he is right in the middle of the normal curve or am I misunderstanding the graph?

  7. Fleche_de_feu

    I had low expectations of Beck considering how 2nd round track record but hes impressive and got huge potential here i was claiming for wright during april, may and june and here we are having a 2 way center that can make me forget about wright and a huge power forward in slaf Who is really good with the puck, passing, shooting and being INVOLVED in the play.

    Love the 4 first pick of our draft this year. Slaf, mesar, Beck and hutson. Not gonna complain at all great job by our new head scout and the department from what ive seen so far

  8. Numerous-Explorer-18

    Slaf, Mesar, Beck, Hutson – I love them all so much already. Hyped.

  9. jadenspan

    There’s a realistic world where beck is our best player of Slaf, Mesar, Beck

  10. flepine44

    I think I got so tired of dump-and-chase that the stat I value the most now is zone entries/exits under control.

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