@Canadiens de Montréal

Michel Therrien a rapidement su qu’Alex Galchenyuk n’était pas un centre

Michel Therrien a rapidement su qu’Alex Galchenyuk n’était pas un centre



  1. Muter91

    Fuck Therrien is right. Rode price to a few playoff appearances. He did teach the boys to play da right way though

  2. jaiman54

    What really gets me about this story…. is that if you could tell after few games that he wasn’t a centre then wtf were your scouting staff doing prior to the draft?

  3. rocksmasha

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  4. Manofoneway221

    Therrien est un coach très sous-estimé. Il a gagné avec les prédateurs et est passé proche de gagner la coupe Stanley. Il a un bon œil pour ce genre de chose

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