@Red Wings de Détroit

Kris Draper des Red Wings de Detroit termine le repêchage 2022 de la LNH

Le directeur du dépistage amateur des Red Wings de Detroit, Kris Draper, s’entretient avec les médias après le repêchage 2022 de la LNH au Centre Bell à Montréal. Présenté par : Bud Light


  1. LRGW…can't wait for prospect camp in TC…hope they live stream it as i am living in Oregon.

  2. Yea, this is the guy making the calls from rds 3 thru 7. He's doing great so far.

  3. @7:28 getting carried like a sack of potatoes between Elliotte Friedman and Kris Draper lol

  4. knows everyone one of them like the back of his hand. unbelievable. love having him as our director of scouting.

  5. The Yverplan is coming into to focus, Drapes doing a great job at Amateur scouting.

  6. Everyone talking about clearing his throat. You know he has a severely damaged nasal cavity from a certain hit into the boards…..?

  7. Really going out of your way to get his "good side" in this one, eh? 🤣🤣🤣

    I still think it should have been him and McCarty in that limo instead of Konstantinov.

  8. Take a shot every time Drapes says "obviously" or " you know".
    I tallied them up and here are the totals.
    Obviously : 28 times
    You know: 93 times

    Very impressive stuff for a 10 minute interview. Maybe he can break 100 you know's next time. Gotta set the bar high, obviously.

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