@Kings de Los Angeles

Récapitulatif du match 5 de 2022 : Kings 5, Oilers 4 (OT)

Les Oilers d’Edmonton ont été poussés au bord du gouffre, alors que les Kings de Los Angeles l’ont emporté 5-4 en prolongation pour prendre une avance de 3-2 dans la série. Dennis Bernstein rejoint Irfaan Gaffar pour analyser les performances de LA dans le cinquième match, expliquer ce qui n’a pas fonctionné pour EDM et ce qu’il faut rechercher jeudi soir dans notre Bitbuy Postgame Report.


  1. I had Edmonton in 6 or LA in 7. LA has good team structure. Edmonton has a loose team structure, but exceptional individual talent.

    Kings have better goaltending.

    I originally figured Quick would steal a few, and Edmonton would blow a few out. Beyond that i didn't know what to expect till i watched how LA would handle this series.

    I'm not disappointed…

  2. I always believed that team defense and Goaltending wins the series. The Kings have that. Offensive talent only wins you regular season games, not in playoffs…

  3. With Nurse out and Edmonton's average at best goalie, I think you are done. Connor gets 4 points and you still lose. Better luck next year.

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