@Predators de Nashville

Les Hurricanes de la Caroline et les Predators de Nashville échangent des poignées de main après une série âprement disputée

Regardez les Hurricanes de la Caroline et les Predators de Nashville se serrer la main après leur série de six matchs.


  1. That amazing tradition that every sport do after every game except hockey thinks shaking someone's hand is the world's most amazing thing.

  2. What an amazing tradition, these men are true role models. The respect they show for each other is inspirational, just look at those firm handshakes. Wow. They are real men, competing as a team for what they so desire. But ultimately it is a game and real men will shake the hand of their opponent and say congratulations. What an honour it is to witness such grace and dignity. What a game, what an unbelievably amazing show of sportsmanship. I want to cry. The NHL is the sport of sports simply because of the handshake tradition. I could watch this all day.

  3. I always wonder, do players change to their mutual native language in handshakes? You could see that Aho, Rinne and Granlund probably did here. They are all from the same team, town and city in Finland, so probably in those kind of cases it is probably so. But you of course are not familiar with every player from your home country.

    Also, what do players like Komarov who natively speaks several languages do? Does he change from Finnish to Swedish to Russia etc?

  4. Pierre McGuire is such a walking cliché it hurts… "it's all about guys caring about each other???" reaaaallly Pierre??? tell us something we don't know.

  5. Well, it sucks Nashville lost but Carolina was the better team. I am just happy the Preds fought for a playoff spot at all. Time for an interesting off season. Cheers to you Canes and good luck the rest of the way.And… LETS GO PREDS.

  6. My God what sport will I watch now. The Blue Jay's are Ok. Boxing, and UFC have such a irregular schedule, and the NFL, and CFL season isn't going to be for a couple of months.

  7. Not only has Sarros been the best goalie in the league for the best 3 months or do, but hes rocking the sickest stash out of all of em

  8. I could definitely see Tampa beating the Canes, and Tampa beating either Boston or New York. Tampa may win back to back

  9. Сарос всё равно круче Недельковича. Надеюсь увидим тебя в следующем сезоне, удачи!

  10. I like how it's perfectly normal for vegas and canes to need 7 games, but a good portion of Leafs fans act like their team is trash and finished because they lost game 5 lol.

  11. This was such a greater series then I thought it would be gg carolina gg im hoping for next year preds and hopefully we get Pekka rinne for next year too and we'll make a comeback

  12. The Preds gave the top-seeded Hurricanes a real go in this series, the last 4 games decided in OT.

    Carolina & Tampa Bay should be a heck of a series.

  13. Nashville was up against it all season long. So many top players out due to injuries. Brought up guys from minor leagues. It was amazing that they made it to playoffs. Would have loved to see them advance, but amazing none the less.

  14. wow of course its nashville fans booing during the handsake. Wanna see amazing? look up jets swept by ducks and watch that handshake. amazing fans

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