@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Récapitulatif du jour 1 de l’agence libre des Maple Leafs de Toronto : avez-vous aimé les mouvements ?

Steve Dangle récapitule tous les mouvements effectués par les Maple Leafs de Toronto lors de la première journée de NHL Free Agency. COMMANDITAIRE : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn SDPN : https://www.sdpn.ca/ SDPN DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 CAMEO : https://www.cameo.com/stevedangle LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya SCEAU DE PÂQUES : https://bit.ly/3vcBVug #MapleLeafs #FreeAgency


  1. Why is everyone think Murray/Sammy is such a downgrade from marazek/Campbell lol!!! Listen I love the souppppppp chants and all but he was not a good playoff goalie!! Just go back look at the numbers, this team will be judged after game 82 like every other year.

  2. Toronto has to deal with 4 players making a ton of money (cap issues always), high taxes, and a provincial and federal government that can't be trusted not to make life worse just for fun. Makes it harder to get players.

  3. Q: What's the difference between the Bell Centre and a red light district?

    A: In a red light district, you pay $300 bucks and somebody scores.

    Q: What do the Montreal Canadiens and possums have in common?

    A: Both play dead at home and get killed on the road!

    Q: What do Montreal Canadiens fans and sperm have in common?

    A: One in 3,000,000 has a chance of becoming a human being.

    Q: What is the difference between a bucket of shit and an Montreal Canadiens fan?

    A: The bucket

    Q: what's the difference between a cigarette machine and the Montreal Canadiens?

    A: A cigarette machine has players.

    Q. Why do ducks fly over Bell Centre upside down?

    A. There's nothing worth craping on!

    There were two men, one was a Canadians fan and the other was a Toronto fan. These men were both madly in love with the same woman. So the woman challenged that whichever man does a better job at having sex with her would be her boyfriend. Both men accepted the challenge. That night, the woman had sex with the Canadians fan and then the other night had sex with the Toronto fan. The next day the woman chose the Toronto fan to be her boyfriend. Shocked and outraged, the Canadians fan asked why she didn't choose him. She replied by saying, "You, like your team not only come up short but always finish early!"

    According to a new poll 91 percent of people are satisfied with their lives. The other 9 percent are Montreal Canadiens fans.

    I took my broken vacuum cleaner back to the store. They put a Montreal Canadiens jersey on it and now it sucks again.

    Can a Montreal Canadiens player drive a stick? Only if they remove the clutch.

    My wife was about to put my son in a Montreal Canadiens jersey, but I reminded her it was a choking hazard.

    Why did the Montreal Canadiens fan cross the road…..I was thinking when I accelerated.😉

  4. I was actually fine with taking the gamble on Matt Murray (although 50% of the contract was a no-brainer & yet another example of Dubas being an incompetent negotiator). It's a swing-or-miss kinda move, but sometimes you gotta make those moves (even if it marks the end of the Matthews era). However, doubling-down on goalie reclamation projects (by grabbing Samsonov too) makes absolutely zero sense. It just reeks of desperation, and is also a massive waste of cap room. $4.6 mil to Murray + $1.8 mil to Samsonov, and you're spending essentially the same money that you'd be spending on Jakob Markstrom and a young backup— and yet you have ZERO CONFIDENCE/SECURITY. Go after Jaro Halak instead. Or trade for James Reimer. But: what good is it to make two separate gambles on the same position (without even saving money while doing so?). If Murray regains form, then you've got an unreliable (and expensive) backup in Samsonov. If instead it's Samsonov who proves himself, he's on a one year show-me contract, and so he's going to price himself out of your reaches for next year. Is Dubas seriously still playing this game year-by-year? With only 2 years of Matthews left? His inability to see the bigger picture (and refusal to believe in "windows to win") is just jaw-droppingly hubristic. But it's Shanahan who should be the first to be fired here. It's been completely inexcusable for him to let Dubas destroy this team's legit changes at a dynasty (when all he had to do was trade Nylander at the peak of his value & learn that legit backup goaltenders are incredibly valuable pieces of a championship team). Kyle Dubas: Mr. Hubris.

  5. Only a schmuck would stay loyal to this team. Life long Leafs fan here. I'm done with them until they remember that this is a man's game that is won by men. Not these little fairies that care about their hairstyle as much as they care about the cup. Physically impossible for this pathetic team to win the cup. I'll be back when that tiny little squirt of cologne Dubas is gone. And all the little fairies he has on the team in his image

  6. You the (LEAFS) DID NOT GET the right guy! I’m very surprised you like this?! Both of YOUR goalies are suspect of the word (suck) ! Good luck! Just a Bruins fan!!!😃

  7. It doesn’t matter. They’ll lose in the first round in 7 games having been up 3 games to 1 next spring.😃👍🏾👍🏾

  8. Edmonton gave Campbell 5 yrs 5 million now Leafs are pays 2 goalie 6.4 million. Could have signed Campbell and Comrie and could only cost them 6 million.

  9. Consider where your soul will spend eternity, heaven or hell.  You
    don’t want to end up in hell because you rejected the Sacrifice Jesus has made
    all who repent and turn to him by faith.  We are all guilty of sin. 
    We lie, steal and look with lust in our hearts.  We are all Guilty before
    a Holy and Righteous God.  GOD is not just all loving and overlook your
    sin.  He is loving, but sin He will Judge because He is Perfectly good.
    The Good news is God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ who was perfectly
    Holy to pay the penalty for your and my sin out of Love for us.  We can’t
    keep the Law we break most all commandments.  But Jesus fulfilled ALL by
    his perfect thoughts, words, deeds and motives for us because we could not.
    Jesus loved all humans and God the Father perfectly.  Turn, repent of your
    sin and confess Your thankfulness for what Jesus did for you.  Put your
    faith in the perfection and the righteousness of Christ.  Jesus was raised
    from death to give you new life; death has been defeated. Out of love and grace
    eternal life is promised to those who have faith. /., /. ,/. ,./ ,/. ,/., /. / ,/. /. ,/. ,

  10. Please. For the love of god amd my heart. I don’t care about anything’s please please please just win a round. I’m still gonna watch the regular season but please win a round. Lose in the second round for all I care but please just win a round

  11. The Leafs are a joke. They need to fire the whole management team from Dubas to Shanny to the coach. They wasted far to much money on there top 4 guys (Tavares is good but not 11 million a year good.) There goaltending got worse and they got guys from the sault instead of trying to get the best players they could. At least once they fail again this coming season they will all be gone I hope. The Shannaplan is a utter failure.

  12. Caps/Leafs fan here, I love Samsonov and I’m so glad he signed in Toronto. That said, he is a big risk. This past season was Samsonov at his worst, I think he really suffered from the lack of confidence from the coaching staff. He gets in his own head a lot, and he’s extremely athletic (but sometimes tries to Dominik Hasek a gimme save that goes in) he has the potential to be shaped into a top five goaltender in the league. Very, very high ceiling, very low floor. Ohhhh and yeah, Steve will certainly be saying “if you’re a goaltender tend the goal” at him a few times next season. Hopefully he’ll be in more hat picks than dang its though lol

  13. So far our moves have been baffling, Aubei-Kubel is the only one where i'm like yea okay that makes sense i guess. but like what the hell are we gonna do with Malgin and Mete and Benn? I mean ship Holl out sure, prolly means Muzz gone too, sign sandin and Engvall with the extra cash, then go find you another Depth forward i guess.

  14. Hey Steve, I will always support you regardless of if we disagree or don’t. But please try and stay away as much as you can from the betting sponsorships. I have lived my complete life with a gambling addicts I have seen first hand what it will do to a family. Gambling is the same regardless of what you are betting on. Love everything you do with Easter seals. For me gambling is my Easter seals. Hope you can understand. Thanks Steve.

  15. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) The bible says the wages of sin is death. Man has broken Gods moral law and has gotten the death penalty. However due to Gods mercy Jesus lived a perfect life and died on the cross for our sins to make us right with God. “Go and sin no more”-Jesus. trust in what Jesus did for you…because He loves you.

  16. Won’t be shocked if Samsonov takes that next step and becomes the goalie of the future for the Leafs he was trending upward towards the end of the season last year he has all the talent in the world i think he’ll end up being a nice pick up for the price the Leafs got him at i think my Caps gave up on him too soon

  17. Well back to the debate on the “flawed economic model”-per capfriendly-the Leafs pay their top 5 players a combined $48,005,366 which is what?-over 58% of the total salary cap. The most recent Cup winning team Avalanche now pay their top 5 highest paid players a combined $37,675,000, which is 45.7% of the cap. The Tampa Bay team that has won 2 of the past 3 cups pay their top 5 a combined $41,800,000, or 50.6 %- that is a significant difference between their spend and the Leafs neither Colorado, nor Tampa have a single player over $10 million-the Leafs have 3-I stand by the comments that there are flaws in the economic model-the Leafs do not have enough money left to bring in mid range talent to support the top end-so, they are feeding at the lower end of the talent pool and pray they find players that significantly outplay their contracts that formula has not worked the past 5 years…as much as I Love my team-I don’t see it working next year either

  18. Sanford is a student of Ian Clarke who is an amazing goalie coach. Nice to see him get a go at the top job.

  19. Take the keys away from Dubas and Shanahan, Mr. Tannenbaum. Times up, they didn't get it done. Not even one playoff round win under a decade or so of Shanahan. Yeah, decade. Wtf!

  20. Caps fan here!! Love the show and the podcast. Here's Samsonov in a nutshell:

    Need a holy, miracle, grace-of-god desperation save? Sam is your guy. Crazy athletic, crazy flexible, almost prime-Johnathan Quick like when it looks like it's no longer possible.

    Problem is that he plays his ENTIRE game that way. Routine shot that any goalie should have easily? Sam goes into crazy Gumby mode to stop it. Saves many goalies could make with their eyes closed? Samsonov acts like he needs to be Dominik Hasek. He WILL NOT stay in his net, he will play the puck, he will roll and spin. Doesn't matter if it's actually necessary for that specific save; he's doing it.

    Great guy, high ceiling, extremely athletic. But he's not good at being set or anything in a template. He goes into scramble mode a ton, which is great and effective when that's necessary. But it very often isn't but he will do it anyway.

  21. ”Lausanne in the swedish league”. Dangles name goes in the thick book of everyone who at some point have confused Sweden and Switzerland…

  22. Did I like the moves? So far, no, but we have no money, so I don't expect much. The rest of the East has heavily upgraded and we're in tough.

  23. Was in Lausanne two weeks ago. nicer place to live than most North American cities even if you have high school quality French.

  24. good start in goal. dont know why simmonds is still here. need defence still goin on 5 years. losing boosh and gettin not much is not a good sign

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