@Golden Knights de Vegas

Les Golden Knights de Vegas : pourquoi ?

La LNH est pleine d’idiots et d’individus qui manquent de prévoyance. Cela a été prouvé au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années et cela a été prouvé une fois de plus lorsqu’ils ont attribué une franchise à Las Vegas. Je ne vois pas grand-chose de bon dans cette décision, alors j’ai écrit ces questions dans l’espoir que nous puissions obtenir des réponses sur les raisons pour lesquelles la LNH pense que cela peut être une entreprise réussie. Il n’y aura probablement pas de réponse, mais ça vaut le coup. REMARQUE : Je suis en train de passer à un nouvel emploi en ce moment, donc mon « rythme » de travail sera ralenti pendant que j’essaie de m’y préparer. Croyez-moi, je vais essayer de sortir des trucs de qualité aussi vite que possible.


  1. You might not know this but the Vegas golden knights were not the first professional hockey team in Las Vegas they've had the Las Vegas Thunder of the International Hockey League the Las Vegas coyotes of the roller hockey International League and the Las Vegas Wranglers of the East Coast Hockey League back when the league had a Pacific Division

  2. Wow, this just showed up in my feed. Note to self: ignore this youtube channel run by an IDIOT.

  3. made the final in their first year and are 3 wins away from another in their 4th. 3 of those four years have resulted in conference finals appearances. still a bad idea?🤔

  4. Jesus this aged pretty well i mean I’ll give them credit they are good making it far in the playoffs 3-4 times is outstanding but they never have got it done because I’m 2018 lost to Caps 2019 choked a 3-1 lead against San Jose and 2020 they talked shit and lost to the Stars and lost and the. this year they lost to a beat up team in the Canadiens so they are great but they are like the packers and 76ers when having great regular seasons but choke or can’t get it done in the playoffs but this team is close to doing it my prediction is that in the next 3 years they will have to win at least one and I’ll be waiting

  5. You may have a point to the expansion part since the team could have just been a team from a struggling market, but everything else is painfully bad

  6. Does it hurt that they might even add Jack Eichel to give them that legit Face of the Franchise player now?….

  7. "The transplants aren't going to pay attention unless they are winning or unless their team is in town" ….or unless an insurmountable nation tragedy beyond comprehension takes place weeks before their first game bringing a city of transplants together to rally around their new family pushing a team of transplant players to play further beyond what they're ever capable of, getting them to the stanley cup in year one and creating a cult fantasy out of nothing

  8. Its now 2022 and it looks as though the Knights, who are currently in first place in the Pacific Division, are headed for the playoffs just as they have done each and EVERY year since their inception. No need to go into the amazing fan base in Vegas either! So entertaining to watch clips like this and see how incredibly wrong everyone was in their predictions. LOL

  9. This was the first UrinatingTree video I ever watched. I was in eighth grade when this came out. Memories.

  10. You know, most of the points stated in this video are very true and make sense on paper. However, it just happened to blow up in Tree's face

  11. A failed military man with baby dick syndrome running a hockey team, what could go wrong?

  12. Love coming back to these. Everything he brought up was accurate,
    But surprises are nice and gambles occasionally pay off

  13. I mean they are viable as a franchise so I guess this didn’t age well?
    A toxic one that is basically the Lakers/Rams of the NHL without the Rings and Historical Prestige

  14. They wanted to be a Stanley cup contender in 5 years instead they miss. They wanted to tank their 1st year and made the finals.

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