@Wild du Minnesota

REGARDER: Un départ fou, une belle fin dans une victoire 6-2 contre les Blues

Le Wild du Minnesota a battu les Blues de St. Louis 6-2 mercredi soir.



  2. ফেলিসিডেস, এটি মিনাংকাবাউ উদাহরণ। 250 sentadillas son unos PORNTINDER.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Dadi dejas ver que hay muy buenos ফলাফল 😍👍

  3. The fans should have green Hankeys. When has waving a white flag ever been a show of strength?

  4. Теперь Капризову надо в каждой игре по три забивать.

  5. That's the second game and now we're tied, the best match up, the Wild have 3 games on the road, the Blues have 3 games at home, Oh when the Blues, go marching in, oh when those Blues go marching in, I would like to join them, oh when those Blues go marching in

  6. You could feel it from the second greenway scored this game was over because the entire arena was waiting just to erupt like a volcano especially after game one and once us wild fans get in to the game it only gets worse for teams

  7. The lady at :17 needs to gtfo. Don't go to a fucking playoff game and just stand there like waste of space when we just scored

  8. I know the blues are good and all but I knew when ek scored the first goal it was over for the blues with the crowd having a reason to get into the game and make 20k sound like 200k it makes it hard and only gives the wild energy

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