@Blackhawks de Chicago

Une chronologie complète de l’affaire d’abus sexuels des Blackhawks de Chicago | Le point

Rick Westhead s’entretient avec l’ancien joueur des Blackhawks de Chicago, Kyle Beach, qui s’est récemment fait connaître en tant que « John Doe » dans le scandale des abus sexuels des Blackhawks de la LNH. #NHL ✔️ Abonnez-vous à ESPN+ https://plus.espn.com/ ✔️ Obtenez l’appli ESPN : http://www.espn.com/espn/apps/espn ✔️ Abonnez-vous à ESPN sur YouTube : http://es. pn/SUBSCRIBEtoYOUTUBE ✔️S’abonner à ESPN FC sur YouTube : http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBEtoESPNFC ✔️S’abonner à NBA sur ESPN sur YouTube : http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBEtoNBAonESPN ✔️Regarder ESPN sur YouTube TV : http://es .pn/YouTubeTV


  1. lmao he has exactly the face and voice i'd expect a 'man' like him to have. only in such a sick broken culture could he be a hero for this and quenneville and his champion players the villains. gross culture.

  2. WTF I was 15 5' 5'' 130 lbs and alone in the woods when a 40 something-year-old man tried to touch me, it didn't turn out too well for him.

  3. has anyone read the full report? i defy anyone to read the report, watch Beach's interviews, reflect on his career timeline and details (11th overall pick only 2 years prior to incident; remained in org 3 years after incident), and on other facts (never went to police about incident – instead only sued rich team for $ after career failure), and say they buy it. this is every bit as fraudulent as the case against Kane in 2015.

  4. stay 💪💪💪💪💪 buddy as a bolts fan from the United Kingdom I hope this shit never happens again

  5. Young man is from an older mans perspective thanks for your intelligence though really helps in this time opinions are like well you know you are one!

  6. I would think that Beach could sue the Hawks and garner a 10 million dollar payout.
    As an 11th overall pick, no reason to think he couldn't have had a decent pro career.

  7. While I'm glad Bowman is out, having read the Hawks' legal team's report on their investigation, I can't believe anyone resigned over this. The team was correct in characterizing the lawsuit/case as meritless. It is completely bogus. Within the first four pages, Beach is proven by multiple independent witnesses (who weren't in contact and don't have reason to like each other) to have lied about a huge and fundamental element of the night of the incident. Then there are huge discrepancies in his and Aldrich's account of the acts between them, with Beach's account seeming the one obviously lying (to make him look less gay, imo). Then it's revealed that the team forced Aldrich's resignation literally right after the season that year, over the incident – within a month of Beach's shaky, inconsistent, and imo extremely implausible and self-serving in detail reporting of it to them. I'm not sure what else they were supposed to do that they didn't do, or how this constitutes a cover up. It is not the team's place to report such an accusation, by an adult, to the authorities. It's the adult's place to do so if he desires. Beach did not, and to this day still has not – the prospect of perjuring himself or facing questioning by police over the incident likely not that attractive to him. It is also not the team's place to report the incident as if they are news media, or inform the news media of it. Their sole responsibility was to investigate it or fire Aldrich. They gave Aldrich that choice, and he chose to resign. This is where their responsibility ends, and they met it. Their giving Aldrich a recommendation to his next gig is indeed very bad, but – what's that got to do w Beach? That's a separate mistake. The details of Beach's story are patently absurd in every respect. Neither the physical or power dynamic threats he reports are plausible threats at the time, and the physical threats esp seem entirely made up. He was a 6'3 200lb 20yo pro athlete and the man he claims physically coerced him into the (disputed) acts is 5'5 145lbs. Beach adds to his absurd claim that this tiny hobbit like man brandished a tiny souvenir baseball bat at him and threatened to break his legs if he didn't comply. This is nonsense, the kind of thing a 20yo sexually confused or closeted guy who is also a total meathead would come up w in a panic while trying to save face dig himself out of a situation he had suddenly found himself in thru his own actions, which he regretted afterwards, esp when his teammates found out. Nor does the 'power dynamic' threat seem plausible. Beach had been the 11th overall pick less than 2 years before. The organization would have viewed him as a valuable asset. An assistant video coach who had been in the organization for even less time than Beach would have no power to plausibly threaten his future w the team. Their relative importance was proven as Aldrich was casually forced out while Beach despite being a total bust was kept in the organization another 3 years after the incident. Fast forward 10 years after the incident and you have an all time bust playing in German beer leagues for peanuts and feeling like a failure as he turns 30 and reflects on his time in the sport. Money is tight and he's got no obvious way to make any more within the next few years, as his meager remaining hockey career runs out. So what does he do? Exploits the zeitgeist to try to steal millions of dollars from the team that he failed to perform for after they drafted him 11th. A perfected version of the extortion attempt perpetrated against Pat Kane in 2015. He also gets to reframe his legacy from what it really is – all time draft bust – to suddenly a victim-hero, a guy who if not for horrible abuse would have had an NHL career. Awfully convenient. This man was not raped. He was a gay or sexually confused meathead taken advantage of by a gay/bi predator who knew a good prospect when he saw one – and I don't mean hockey prospect. Aldrich would repeat this behavior subsequently w athletes other places who unlike Beach were underage, making the behavior actually illegal and helping make Beach's claims look stronger to the casual observer. Aldrich is a gross, bad guy and he belongs in prison – not sure if he's still there or not. But Beach may be an even worse guy, all things considered. Bowman btw comes off horribly in the report, weaselly as ever. Going out of his way to absolve himself and implicate McDonough and Quenneville (both of whom he'd prior to the investigation forced out in backstage power plays) wherever he can. A really bad guy. But it should have been his incompetence and mismanagement of the team that should have resulted in his ouster, not this bogus nonsense. I defy any honest person to read the full report, watch Beach's weird fake weepy interviews the other day, and not smell a rat. This is the best take anyone anywhere will ever write on this.

  8. The saddest part about this whole thing is he’s sorry about what happened to the kid and the Blackhawks haven’t shown any remorse for what happened. He didn’t do anything and the Blackhawks enabled a sexual predator

  9. Laws need to be changed so that victim and friends can protect loved one’s by beating the shit out of all effing pedos and abusers. There would be no cases anymore. Old times were truly way better.

  10. I find it hard to believe that Bettman and the NHLPA were not made aware of this… After they let the video coach resign, did the NHL not ask questions as to why? Bettman should be resigning too for this and allowing it to happen under his watch and for not doing anything about it.

  11. This whole story is nuts.
    Forget even that it would have been the straight moral and ethical thing to do, it also doesn't make a lot of business sense; Kyle wasn't a borderline prospect. He was a high draft pick (11th overall in 2008) and had a 50-goal season in the WHL.
    Amazing that the Blackhawks management at the time chose to sweep this incident under the rug and side with a skeezy video coach rather than protect their investment in the player.
    Given the chance to develop right, Kyle Beach could have been worth far more financially than any video coach ever would have been.
    That entire championship team is tarnished forever now, and rightfully so.

  12. As a youth i growed up with the blackhawks. Roenick, Belfour, Amonte, Chelios, Graham, Murphy, Russel, smith, suter, Ysebeart. And now a bunch of clowns and rapist have done this? And The Blackhawks did nothing to protect this man? The stanley Cup is more important than a mans life? Fuck you, fuck you all!!

  13. My god! I am floored by the management and other individuals of the Chicago Blackhawks organizational who knew about the evil predator working for them. Who violated this young man. And did nothing to win a Stanley Cup championship. A piece of metal and notoriety over a human being. Kept it quiet as he suffered these years, possibly, suicidal because of it. But he got strong and has been Overcoming the abuse. While those who knew will become weak for the rest of their lives. Will walk with shame. Will speak with a forked tongue begging for forgiveness. When Kyle Beach begged for help and was silenced. But silenced no more.

  14. dude is full of it. there's a reason he never went to the police and has never testified in a court of law. i read the report. his story is contradicted by multiple other witnesses at certain points. not only that but the Hawks forced the accused out of the organization right after the playoffs. so within a month of the report. so – why are they in trouble? what are they being said to have done wrong? they listened to Beach's lies about his awkward gay encounter, and despite the holes in the story they forced the guy he accused out of the org a month later. Beach remained w the AHL team, where he continued to perform poorly for another 3 years before being let go. where is the Blackhawks misdeed, exactly? it was not their job to report it to legal authorities – that is Beach's job. he was an adult. it was not their job to report it to the media or make an announcement. that's the media's job. their job was to get rid of the accused, which they did. Beach chose never to go to police, just as he now chooses to argue his case in the court of public opinion, where he can't face legal consequences for lying. this all time bust of a player is trying to destroy the franchise he already so greatly let down, by blaming them for his own regretted actions, inactions, and his failed career. that and he's trying to steal millions of dollars from them by dragging their reputation thru the mud permanently in the (lying) media. he's already cost a good man, Joel Quenneville, his job. i have less than zero respect for this person and i guarantee you my feeling is shared by every locker room in the league. this is the Kane case all over again but even more shamful. he is hoping the Hawks will blink and pay him off so he can rob them blind (just as he did w his rookie signing bonus, only way more this time) wo ever having to go to court. exactly like Kane in 15. Kane in 15 never blinked, just maintained his innocence. i doubt the Hawks will be as brave and strong as Kane was then. they'll pay this shameless creature.

  15. It's difficult for an adult male to come forward, imagine a young boy. My point is to those guys who say if I were abused as a child I wouldn't stay silent, oh yes you would. Until you've experienced it you don't know.

  16. A Michigan teenager was sexually assaulted because the blackhawks' organization did nothing! Then gave that scumbag a good reference for future jobs. Same exact thing as the catholic church moving pedophile priests from one city to another. Disgusting! Home the Michigan teen and Beech get a ton of money from their lawsuits. And, no all the money in the world, can't make up for what they have been through!

  17. The cup run was more important than Mr Beach and the victims. It all boils down to money. Right, Mr Bettman?

  18. Well shit, kinda hard to like the Blackhawks after they fucked this up so bad. Shame on that management team.

  19. Aldrich went on to Miami University, and from 2012-2018 he assaulted two more men who came forward with accusations. This shows that predators just move on from one situation to another if flags aren't raised. I imagine had the Hawks actually dealt with the accusations with police involvement, he would have been prevented from ever working in this capacity again.

  20. Once again why wern't the Athletic Trainers involved, they should be fired, and banned from the NHL

  21. THE CHICAGO BLACK HAWKS DID NOT WIN THE STANLEY CUP IN 2010…… the names of ALL involved with that team need to be removed from this sacred trophy immediately

  22. I wouldnt worry too much about the assholes. Most are anti vaxx they'll probably end up going on the vent in a month or so.

  23. ok maybe i am missing something,but when was this reported to the police? or did he just tell his boss?if some guy threatned to come on my back id tell the police,not my boss,and why should the organization have to do anything before the police act?He was a young adulat ,but even he would know its not right to let someone threaten him to jizz on him.

  24. Wait I'm confused on the timeline in this video. The beginning of the video says "Blackhawks first round draft pick in 2018" but I thought he just recently revealed himself as "John Doe" about this? So this assault happened 10 years ago, he came out on interview about this in 2018 but we're just now hearing about this?

  25. My heart breaks for this man…he did NOTHING wrong…and yet you can see it in his face and hear it in his voice…he is ashamed and feels guilty when he did NOTHING wrong !!!! I am SOOOO sick of the system CONTINUALLY treating sexual predators like they're misdemeanor , minor infractions…this comes as close to murdering someone's spirit as you can get – AND – since the rehab rate for these monsters is near ZERO and almost ALL re-offend I support life in prison or chemical castration…PERIOD…been seeing SH!T like this MY ENTIRE LIFE – it NEVER GETS BETTER – I'm DONE with this crap !!!!!!

  26. Make these people accountable.

    Head Coach Joel Quenneville

    Asst. Coach Mike Haviland

    Asst. Coach John Torchetti

    Goaltending Coach Wade Flaherty

    Goaltending Coach Stéphane Waite

    General Manager Stan Bowman

    Asst. General Manager Kevin Cheveldayoff

    Team Manager Tony Ommen

    Asst. Equipment Manager Jim Heintzelman

    Athletic Trainer Mike Gapski

    Athletic Trainer Jeff Thomas

    Chairman Rocky Wirtz

    Conditioning Coach Paul Goodman

    Dir. of Amateur Scouting Michel Dumas

    Dir. of Amateur Scouting Mark Kelley

    Dir. of Hockey Administration Al MacIsaac

    Dir. of Player Development Norm Maciver

    Dir. of Player Personnel Marc Bergevin

    Equipment Manager Troy Parchman

    Franchise Owner Rocky Wirtz

    Massage Therapist Pawel Prylinski

    President John McDonough

    Scout Ron Anderson

    Scout Niklas Blomgren

    Scout Dennis Bonvie

    Scout Mike Doneghey

    Scout Gordon Donnelly

    Scout Bruce Franklin

    Scout Ian Gentile

    Scout Mats Hallin

    Scout Tim Keon

    Scout Martin Lapointe

    Scout Don Lever

    Scout Darrell May

    Scout Peter Nevin

    Scout Karel Pavlik

    Scout Ruslan Shabanov

    Scout Steve Smith

    Scout Ryan Stewart

    Senior Advisor Scotty Bowman

    Senior Advisor Dale Tallon

    Skating/Skills Coach Paul Vincent

    Video Coach Brad Aldrich

    VP. of Hockey Operations Stan Bowman

  27. Courage to speak truth to power is the most graceful kind. Also, why are the blackhawks still exploiting indigenous culture? It’s a stain to see this logo of an indigenous man from an organization that behaved so poorly?

  28. parents, you know coaches at schools are pedos right? Or you still dont get it?

  29. Something is off here and part of what’s off is people don’t question some of the obvious. I mean, I’m like every other level headed law abiding person. I say the person who commits assault should be crushed. Ok, so what was the “sexual assault”? That is important. And then there is the obvious. You are a first round (that’s important) pick of a professional hockey team. The guy other guy probably was a weirdo, but 20 or not ( I happen to have a 20 year old son) what hockey player does not at the VERY LEAST make a lot of noise, let alone show the weirdo what a real hat trick is. We are not getting the whole story.

  30. The NH: tolerated Harold Ballard for decades. The NHL has a massive issue with its toxic culture, they shit on injured and retired players while protecting the biggest scumbags who are in power in the league

  31. I heard Aldrich gave Beach Alcoholic i thought that was illegal to give a 20 year old alcoholic beverage. It says happened in california.

  32. This comment wont be popular, but I don't care. Someone has to say it and I refuse to virtue signal like most of these comments. This guy needs and needed to man the hell up. He should have beat that man within an inch of his life. That's what men are supposed to do, not cry like a baby. He is not some weak defenseless female or high schooler. Even millennial hockey players are candy-asses!


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