My parking spot here in Astoria uses a similar communal driveway. Wish we had a neighborhood Avery to call out the inconsiderate douchecanoes who regularly block it
I know Avery’s whole persona is to be douche, and he practically made a living out of it, but it kinda makes me sad to see him stoop down all the way to this level.
His bike lane videos were funny cause a lot of those people deserved to be called out. But this is just major Karen level shit. And he just says some really stupid stuff throughout.
My parking spot here in Astoria uses a similar communal driveway. Wish we had a neighborhood Avery to call out the inconsiderate douchecanoes who regularly block it
I know Avery’s whole persona is to be douche, and he practically made a living out of it, but it kinda makes me sad to see him stoop down all the way to this level.
His bike lane videos were funny cause a lot of those people deserved to be called out. But this is just major Karen level shit. And he just says some really stupid stuff throughout.