@Ducks d'Anaheim

Canards @ Canadiens 1/27/22 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Ducks d’Anaheim aux Canadiens de Montréal


  1. Offense was great. Stolarz wasn’t. Stolarz proved that he can’t be a long term starter. He had a few good games at the start but overall isn’t good. Can’t wait till Dostal is the backup.

  2. Я очень расстроен… Надеюсь, сможем выбраться из кризиса за пару сезонов.

  3. Ducks now only 1 ppint behind Vegas for 1st in the Pacific Division. That 1 point in Toronto was huge.

  4. The lacrosse shove should be illegal. It's really cool but making the game look like a circus.

  5. Someone or some defenceman needs to stop this pick up from behind the net.Zegras is great with this move but if he continues to do this with his head down.Well we know what happens to players that skate with their heads down.

  6. Dear Canadiens management…. I am a fan… and yes I have watched all the games this season as painful as they have been. So if I may throw in my 2 cents…. based on the past 10 years of watching….. NO ONE WANTS TO WATCH DEFENSIVE GAMES … 0 to 0 is shiat…… if this is to be a rebuild GET SOME FREEKING OFFENSE!! The NHL sold this game out to the US and that's fine…. stop building the Canadiens team around a goalie… or risk loosing more fans to teams who actually provide what we want to see which is OFFENSE!! GOALS!!! I don't care if we win 8 to 5…. but provide some entertainment! Pittsburg for example not a dominating goalie just normal… and they win more than they lose. yours truly ( a fan of hockey )

  7. It was amazing how rude and aggressive Habs fans were last year when they went to the Stanley Cup final, only to be humiliated by Tampa as not worthy to the challenge. Today they are a shell of a team and Habs fans are hiding their heads in the sand.

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