@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Coyotes @ Maple Leafs 3/10 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Coyotes de l’Arizona aux Maple Leafs de Toronto


  1. It must be hard to see your forward lines battle to get some goals after terrible goaltending, just to lose to a non-call like that. 👍

  2. I have said for years that the nhl is a F&^KING JOKE gary bettman NEEDS to GO. When calls are DICTATED by the crest on the front of the jersey. bettmans ballerinas you do not know what they are going to call one shift to the next let a lone game to game. I am not saying Toronto needs special treatment but when you have a player of Mathews caliper not getting calls a blind man can see something needs to change. Not sure it will work but does Toronto need to be like Edmonton and have the coach and McDavid wine about the lack of calls that McDavid has drawn and now he is on a ratio of 20 to 1 or higher than the calls Mathews draws. It is time for us as fans to voice our opinion of the incompetence of the officials TIME FOR A CHANGE.

  3. crying about one call. how many against last placed in the league AZ weren't called? leafs should be ashamed losing to a last place team. No excuses.

  4. that holding should have been called but the Coyotes played better Maple Leafs seemed to have done a lot of mistakes

  5. This game should not have gone into overtime. Laughs are pathetic. Down 3-0 at HOME to a shittty team???? Go play golf!!!!

  6. Why a play like this can't be reviewed is beyond me. We need a rule where ANY play other than what is now allowed can be reviewed and the team challenging is assessed a major penalty if it is decided that A) there was no penalty on the play or B) the penalty did not affect the outcome of the play. This type of OT goal would be challengable.

  7. If the Leafs don't trade one of their star forwards to normal defender or goalie, they'll never be contenders with this squad. One of the most unbalanced teams in the league…

  8. This was a terrible missed call from the officials. The situation in the Sharks/ Ducks game was a little bit of a gray area seeing as the player was coming off the ice.. there is nothing gray about this non call though. It was blatant and RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE OFFICIAL! If he didn’t see it he wasn’t watching the game.

  9. Matthews didn't have to be a girl at the end. Muscle on muscle instead of whining. Refs are giving us old Time hockey that's all.

  10. the numbers speak for themselves. Matthews has only drawn 6 penalties all season. Ranked 350+ in draws. This is absolutely mind boggling given his stats.
    Tim Peele getting caught on hot mic last year confirmed what many of us knew for years. Officiating has little to do with what actually happens, or fair games and clean plays. Subjective opinion can not continue to be the sole way we regulate games. They have the review centre in Toronto now. They can easily verify facts. An option to contest a call or lack thereof is absolutely necessary in our technological age. We have instant replay from nearly ever imaginable angle. We have reviewable, objective facts about each game, accessible by management, refs, coaches and even viewers. The league needs to embrace technology and objective reality. There's no need for all this gray area.

  11. all ya'll complaining about the refs but the leafs shouldn't have even let the game get to the point where they needed OT

  12. Mrazek for Wedgewood straight up trade would be great

    Get a better goalie and save like 3 million dollars a year 🤙

  13. Einen gebrauchten Tag erwischt 🤷‍♂️aber nach dem spielverlauf noch nen Punkt geholt 😉ok👍🏻

  14. The ref needs to be fined. If you miss calls or don't call penalties that alter the game. You should have to pay.

  15. You could argue the holding call but Austin didn’t really make an effort to stop them when they got the puck

  16. Should that have been called, ya. But Mathews has to keep skating. That was a lazy back check and the same guy that held him scored so there is no way he should be coasting back and not picking up a man. Grow up

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