@Blues de Saint-Louis

Saint-Louis peut-il réellement vaincre le Colorado ! ? – Mise à jour de la série Avalanche vs Blues

Biz, Whit, le contre-amiral et Grinnell décomposent la série Blues vs Avalanche. Les Blues de St. Louis pourraient-ils réellement vaincre les puissants Avs? Nous avons tout cassé. Écoutez le PODCAST : https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/s… Abonnez-vous sur YOUTUBE : https://barstool.link/3fdrjFv Suivez-nous sur TWITTER : www.twitter.com/spittinchiclets Suivez-nous sur INSTAGRAM : www.instagram.com/spittinchiclets Pour Spittin’ Chiclets MERCH acheter ici : www.barstoolsports.com/shows/spittin-chiclets www.barstoolsports.com/shows/spittin-chiclets Découvrez Barstool Sports pour en savoir plus : http:/ /www.barstoolsports.com Suivez Barstool Sports ici : Facebook : https://facebook.com/barstoolsports Twitter : https://twitter.com/barstoolsports Instagram : http://instagram.com/barstoolsports


  1. I personally don't like Nazeem Kadri, but screw anyone who is a big enough scumbag to to throw racism at him! Scum of the Earth!

  2. Crazy how Mikko, Thomas, Barbs, Buch, and Schenn on both teams haven’t scored a goal all playoffs.

  3. It just had to be Kadri. I agree all the replays look like it was just a hockey play and they're battling for the puck. Any other player probably gets the benefit of the doubt. But it just had to be Kadri…

    That being said, totally agree there's no room for the racist shit that's been hurled his way. His nationality has nothing to do with the situation at hand.

  4. So I guess all that "9 20 goal scorers, deepest team, real Cup final" talk is all out the window now because "meh Binnington". If the Blues were hanging their hopes on Binnington, than they didn't really have a chance to begin with. Just imagine how mentally fragile a team is if they have to play the guy who has been their #1 for almost the entire year and they now can't win. Just imagine how fragile their fan base is.

  5. All I have to say is go read Jeremy Rutherford's article on The Athletic about what happened. He has a camera angle that hasn't been shown a lot and it is much better than what was shown on the TV broadcast. I won't say Kadri intended to hurt Binnington, but to anyone saying that Rosen pushed him I say you're wrong. He pushed Rosen if anything.

  6. Well they better win tonight. As a Colorado fan,I have full respect for the Championship pedigree of St Louis…this series is far from over. I don't think the Blues-especially with their injuries-would have much chance of winning 3 straight,down 3-1,…2 of 3 in Denver. Blues did a great job winning game 2 here,but we still are 35-6-4 at home this year…6 regulation losses in 45 games….I said the same thing about us after game 2. All these reactionary,idiot fans were freaking out after game 2….our 1st loss of the playoffs,when every other team left,has lost at least 3. I said game 3 wasn't a must win for EITHER TEAM,but whoever lost,faced a near must win in game 4. Cuz I don't think Colorado would beat St Louis 3 straight,had we fallen behind 3-1. Fortunately,it's them who really needs to win tonight,& I expect they probably will. But Avs have a golden opportunity tonight…not quite a "free game"- but the win Saturday means tonight is just "we really want to win"-nothing approaching the near "must win,"if would've been had we lost game 3. But IF we do find a way tonight….I have too much respect for St Louis,to even say it'd be over at 3-1….but the fat lady would definitely be warming up on stage. I'm sticking with my pre series prediction of Avs in 6. But would be nice if tonight was our last trip to St Louis this year.

    Perfect world,Kadri gets the game winner,for all the racist, ridiculous nonsense,he's had to put up with over Binnington injury. I understand Blues fans being upset with his injury,& the history with Naz. But it is completely ludicrous to think that was on purpose. It was nobody's fault-just bad luck. But if ya must blame somebody… it's as much,or more Rousen-than it is Kadri. Obviously Rosen is just trying to make a play also…not crash himself,& Kadri into Binnington. It's hockey…it happens idiots. I'm not surprised dumb fans try to blame Kadri,but Berube is who shocked me.

    Maybe you say something in the heat of the moment,cuz you are upset about him being hurt,but seriously bro…Kadris past,& reputation don't matter at all in this situation. I heavily criticized Kadri for his cheap shot on Faulk last year,but to try to make some false equivalency,is flat out stupid. I agree with Bednar on the hit to Girard…I also don't think the Blues player(don't remember who it was) meant to hurt him…I think it was also an accident,& not even a penalty. Certainly not a suspension situation. HOWEVER,if we were say 1 of those plays has to be dirty,or deserves a suspension…the hit on Girard is FAR MORE borderline,& difficult to say for sure it wasn't intentional. Again,I don't think either situation is a problem,except somebody got seriously injured unfortunately,on both. I was very disappointed to hear Berubes ludicrous comments. If he wants to go to reputation,or past history….why don't ya look up his. As a player,he got suspended for calling an opponent a monkey. Using his logic,I should assume he's a racist piece of garbage,& incited idiot Blues fans to bombard Kadri with racist death threats. Of course that would lunacy,& completely unfair,but if ya want to assume Kadri purposely hurt Binnington,on a play he clearly wasn't…then we can go there.

    And finally,to all the whiner,moron St Louis fans,who are claiming there should be an asterisk if we win the series,etc…I have a few points to make. First of all,WE DONT GIVE A DAMN! As long as we advance,you can put 1,000 asterisks,you can circle it,put black Xs next to it,underline it…WE DONT FING CARE! As long as we eliminate you,& advance…nobody cares about how…just how many. Nobody gives a damn that we had FAR WORSE injuries in the bubble,or that we were an overachieving 8 seed,the year before…like Toronto in the 1st round-everybody just lumps all our 2nd round losses together,& acts like they are exactly the same,which they just aren't.

    And speaking of those insane injuries in the bubble-we would've killed to have somebody as capable as Husso to put in net back then. To hear some Blues whining fans talk,you'd think no team in NHL history has ever suffered similar injuries. I get it-Binnington was playing great,& has already won a Cup…of course you'd rather he was in net. And I understand you have 2 key dmen out-Krug,& Scandella. At full strength,the Blues back end isn't great as it is. They are decent,but not great…& not very deep. We will miss Girard-you can't replace somebody like that. But fortunately for us,we probably have the best,& deepest blue line 1 through 8,in the NHL.(now 1 through 7). Not many-if any-other teams have a Ryan Murray or Jack Johnson,just sitting in the stands,as healthy scratches. They aren't great,& they aren't Girard,but they are decent players,with tons of experience…not your typical #7 or #8 dmen. Blues have done a good job getting by,but Leddy on your 1st pair,& Rousen on your 2nd… that's certainly not ideal for them.

    But it is the playoffs,injuries happen. And whoever wins the series,will have to overcome more injuries, almost certainly. And your injuries,don't even compare to what we dealt with in the 2020 bubble. I heard some Blues fans saying "well what if you were missing your goalie,& a couple dmen?" Funny you should ask…in the bubble,we lost our TOP 2 GOALIES-Grubauer,& Francouz. Not to mention,we also lost our captain Landeskog,Eric Johnson-who we counted on more back then. He was 2 years younger,& our back end wasn't nearly as good or deep,as now. We didn't have Toewes yet,no Byrum,no Manson,Makar was a rookie,& no Murray, or Jack Johnson. Yes,we had Zadorov,& a few other guys…but we were playing defenseman,who'd now be playing in the AHL playoffs,for the Colorado Eagles,if they were still here. Even with Girard out,they'd have ZERO chance to make the top 6 now. Not only were our top 2 goalies out,& Landeskog/EJ-but 3 other regular skaters. Matt Calvert was 1…we basically were missing almost our entire PK. We had to start MICHAEL FREAKING HUTCHINSON,games 5-7. No disrespect to Hutchinson,he tried his best,& actually overachieved some…he just isn't very good. No better than an average NHL 3RD GOALIE! Ask Leaf fans about Hutchinson….Husso is Patrick Roy,compared to him. Hell,Husso was your starting freaking goalie most the season,& starting the playoffs. I understand you don't trust him near as much as Binnington,when it matters most,but some people act like he's an AHL caliber goalie,or something…give me a break! Yet,despite all those injuries…we somehow won game 5,& 6…then got to OT of game 7 vs Dallas…who took TB to 6 in the Cup Finals. And without the home ice in games 5,& 7…we had earned. Obviously every higher seed lost the home ice advantage,cuz of the Pandemic.

    But point is,we probably advance to WCFs-EVEN WITH ALL THOSE INJURIES-if we were at home in game 7,since we lost in OT,at a neutral site. The other point is sack up,quit crying,& looking for excuses. You still have a good enough team to come back,& beat us. No excuses if you don't. And while I did feel somewhat sorry for you,& Binnington in the moment….the way you have acted,& tried to insinuate Kadri did it on purpose….I feel much less sorry for you today. Especially after what we dealt with in the bubble…nobody felt sorry for us. But we also didn't expect Dallas to apologize,or feel bad…just cuz we had insanely bad luck with injuries. Of course that series probably goes different if we were healthy…or even had an NHL caliber goalie. And maybe this 1 would if St Louis was healthy. But almost no team stays totally healthy,& not like Dallas owed any apologies,cuz they beat a very compromised version of the Avs,so STFU,& play.

  7. If you watched the video, then you know what happened. Kadri was BEHIND Rosen. He pushed Rosen into Binnington. End of story. Revisionist history. He’s a goon, out to injure. You’re wrong

  8. Binnington for Girard is not so much an eye for an eye, as it is an eye for a pinky finger.

    Also, I doubt any St. Louis fan would have any issue with Bednar saying to look at Barbashev's reputation. If Avalanche fans are sensitive about it, it must be because of their personal opinion of Kadri.

  9. Everyone says “he wasn’t trying to hit binnington” when they slammed into him the night before as well. That’s 2 times in a row they hit him cmon.

  10. It is legit hilarious to see all these Blues fans bitch and moan about this play when EVERYONE in hockey outside of STL said that play was unintentional. Bennington leaves a juicy rebound at the crease. Do you not go for that puck? Give me a break

  11. I personally think Husso is more overall consistent than Bennington from what I've seen but I'm not St. Louis fan. Am I far off here? That said, I said this series will go 7 games at the start of it and I stick to that. I'll take Avs in 7. Also, next year, Go Ducks! haha ( a man can dream)

  12. I was hopeful the Blues would win in 6 since Binnington was playing like he did in 2019 when he stole a Cup from Boston. Now that Binnington is injured I think the Avs will win in 5. Husso has not showed much in the playoffs . Per The Hockey Guy analysis on Youtube of the game Kadri was not hit by Rosen in to Binnington as claimed by Kadri. This series is over. I just wish there was an enforcer on the Blues like Coach Berube was in his day to let Kadri remember the beating for the rest of his life. Injuring a goalie raises the bar as Kadri made no effort to slow down rushing the goal. If Kadri was going to make a run at someone it should have been against Barbashev.

  13. That hit on Girard was absolute BULLSHIT! Even more of a blindside than the one Kadri was suspended for in last year's St. Louis series. Those A-holes headhunted their way to the Cup in 2019, intentionally injuring numerous players along the way, including Grzelcyk in the final. Nothing clean about any of them! They might have got away with it in '19, but not this time baby!

  14. That hit a G might have been a good hockey hit in 2001 but that greasy af now. Dude left his feet to hit a smaller guy in a vulnerable position when he had plenty of time to make a safe hit. There is no way he wasn't looking to hurt him. It's the kind of hit that shortens careers and it isn't good for the game.

  15. As an Avs fan, it kind of makes me feel sick saying it, but it was a clean hit on Girard for sure. Violent as a motherfucker, but clean.

  16. As a Blues fan, I hate losing Binner.

    However, I couldn't agree more with your take on the incident

  17. Kadri is a cheap shot artist and always has been. A thrown water bottle would rank low on the list of things after an on ice confrontation. Kadri definitely pushed Rosen with his lower boby, if you look at the tape he made no attempt to change course.

  18. Yeah it’s frustrating. After game 2 and seeing the adjustments I had the blues in 5 or 6. The blues swung this series. You could feel it. I’m not sure the blues can do it without him though. I’m thinking avs in 5 or 6 now smh.

  19. Look at who’s more upset about an injury. St. Louis and the one guy saving their playoff hopes vs Colorado and their next man up mentality. Both players injuries absolutely suck and hurt the team. But it’s how teams fight through that.

  20. This is a daily reminder for biz that the Pittsburgh pussies, led by crosbaby, blew a 3 to 1 series lead to the youngest team in the league

  21. NO. Not when the Blues are obsessed with Kadri, instead of being on focused in winning the series.

  22. What blues tried to do on Monday is worse than the whole kadri thing on Saturday. I get that there frustrated but that play still was not a dirty play whether blues and their fans like it or not. But they really let their frustrations cost them that game last night

  23. It’s simply not an Eye for an Eye
    Losing your goalie means so much more than losing a singular defenseman

  24. I'm an Avs fan and I don't really have any issue with the Barbashev hit. I guess MAYBE they could have called a charge, but honestly, it was a big guy going hard on the forecheck and hitting a smaller guy. I don't think there's anything else to it. Initially I questioned why he needed to finish the check. Girard is kinda leaning forward and down to push the puck along the boards, his head is parallel with the dasher. Maybe he doesn't even need to make the hit, but that didn't last long. I played hockey for a long time and when you commit to a decision or a play based on the situation and your role it's very hard sometimes to make a split-second decision away from that original decision. Two hockey plays that simply had really unfortunate results.

  25. one thing I haven't seen anyone point out is that Binnington gave up that rebound directly in front of his net. Any goalie that gives up that rebound should expect multiple players charging at him full speed to get that free puck.

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