@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Nouvelles et notes des Maple Leafs de Toronto avant le match 4 : Bunting, Tavares, Matthews, appariements DEF et plus !

Dans cette vidéo, je passe en revue toutes les dernières nouvelles et notes concernant les Maple Leafs de Toronto. J’utilise des statistiques avancées, des citations, des informations contextuelles et une analyse du plafond salarial pour tout décomposer !


  1. Boosh plays 100%. Move Kerfoot back with matthews and marner. Keep engvall-Mikeya-kompf together! Sit Bunting until he is 100% for round #2. and for the 1000th time..BENCH NYLANDER!!! If the Leafs keep playing nylander, he will cost us a game and possibly the series!

  2. Anyone who has watched the Leafs since the Shannaplan era knows this is the best overall team they have iced. Holl is a liability, granted the Leafs won the game but it doesn't alter the fact, Holl is prone to make mistakes, he could have should have fought for the inside with both hands on the stick. It drives us fans nuts to see opposing teams get the inside track! I called it instantly as soon as he realized what was happening, I said to myself, "He's going to take a penalty." I would rather see Liljegren over Holl, but it is what it is. I want to see Simmonds, Spezza and Clifford on the forth line and rough up Tampa. Can the Leafs beat out Tampa's seasoned team? I think they can as long as their stars play with heart as they have over the past 3 games. Marner is sure making they nay sayers eat their words that he is not a playoff player. You can bet Perry will be targeting the stars, he will be chirping and chipping after the whistles, Maroon the Goon will be taking his cheap shots, so it is up to Keefe to ice a lineup that can bite back. Kampf, Mikheyev and Engvall have proven not only can they shut down the opposing lines but they can easily turn from defense to offense. I love that! Go Leafs! Go!

  3. I have complete confidence. They will take care of business tomorow night and close out the series in front of Toronto fans in game 5. A complete upset for the Lightning and all the Leaf haters and shit talkers.
    And if not… then I'll just go back to smoking brisket and ribs and drinking beer by the pool.
    Oh… and going to Panthers games.

  4. Please no more Holl in the series. Lybushkin in because he plays aggressive and hits. Put Lilligren in too. Keep Spezza in too. No Simmonds. Put Kyle in too. Go Leafs Go. Put Kerfy on line 1 keep Bunting out he’s playing hurt it obvious

  5. Holl isn’t good enough to play on this team, I said it with my chest. Lily deserves the spot over him, so does boosh.

  6. Leafs look prepared. Great call with the timeout. Micky's overall game has been fantastic. Leafs are protecting Campbell well…and it shows on the scoreboard.
    Overall, I really didn't expect the Leafs to be the better team through most of three games. But, here we are.
    I predicted Leafs in 6 and stick to it. GLG!!

  7. That Engvall dish to Mikheyev was great, I dont imagine its easy being Russian in Toronto these days…

  8. So i said the same thing last night to my dad as we were watching the game is that i think bunting is still maybe hurt and recovering. I think if he starts to feel better and work his way up you honestly gotta leave kerfoot on the 1st line cause it seems to be working and maybe when bunting is ready move him to the 2nd line? Hopefuly his style of play and energy gets nylander and tavares going. Cause my god they seemed uninvolved and its not good lol

  9. If you're Tampa do you want to face Holl or Lyubushkin? Does Holl scare anyone on Tampa, or does Lyubushkin?

    Over the past two playoffs the Leafs weren't scaring anyone! The bad guys were taking all kinds of liberties against our top guys and NOBODY did shit about! That's why I was stund when Simmonds was resigned, not for a season, but two seasons!!

    All kinds of Leaf fans were crapping on Johnny Dep's bed, and…oh wait, I meant Marner's bed because he wasn't anywhere near as effective as we naturally believed ge would be, and I defended Marner because he's not a big strong dude and you can only get creamed so many times before you start making mistakes because as soon as he got the puck, it was kryptonite and he got rid of it as fast as he could knowing that holding onto it to try and make a play meant KEEERUNCH!!

    All the very best top drawer players who put the puck in the enemie's net consistently had body guards!
    In Edmonton Gretzky had Dave Semenko. If you took ANY liberties with Gretzky you knew to get a message to your wife to set up dental and face reconstruction specialists!!

    When Gretzky was in L.A. McSorley would make your face hurt sorely! Gilmour had Wendel Clark etc etc.

    Tough players know part of their expected duties was to protect their elite teammates to where anyone foolish enough to go after a star knew with 100% certainty that they were gonna be treated to a complimentary beating of a life time, and that was usually followed up with a fresh one!

    For the past two playoffs, a large factor in the Leaf's first round exit was due to cowardess or having to rely on a single player, such as Simmonds, to take care of business! If Simmonds is playing injured or tired, who else could the team rely on?

    This playoffs is a LOT different tahn the past two versions because Dubas and Shanny understood the team can have arguably, the top two lines and a third line near the top in the league offensivly, but without having some solid toughness, offence means shit! If your best players keep getting crushed, either by clean, yet hard hits, as well as a smattering of filthy sneaky elbows and other shenanigans, you will not advance past round one, and that's exactly why Dubas picked up some physical players such as Lyubushkin, Blackwell, Clifford and of course Giordano!

    To be fair, Simmonds surprised me somewhat by adjusting his role, whereas I believe he still saw himself as an offensive physical presence, but he appears to have realised the offensive part of his game is waning and he's been able to transition into an effective checking, physical player who can kill penaliies and drop the mitts when liberties are being taken on his team mates!

    You have to give credit to Dubas for managing to pick up four tough, physical players which had the added bonus of taking the weight off Simmonds, while being handcuffed to the team's cap room!

    Dubas has to be included in the Jim Gregory award, and Keef for the Jack Adams award!
    By injecting these four players into the line up Dubas has lifted this team up from being a solid regular season threat to finish at the top of the conference/league, which can't advance past the first round, to a legitimate cup contender!!

    Dubas manages to make significant advancements each year with what amounts to "bus fare" compared to many other teams with a lot more cash and assets to work with, without dipping into prospects or having to give up a single first round pick or roster players.

    Dubas picked up Giordano and Blackwell for two 2nds and a third! I call that THEFT!

    I can't think of another GM who's been as effective at improving their team picking up solid players who fill specific roles with a limited budget and without having to give up first rounders or roster players.

    This first round, the additions Dubas made are all physical players and right off the bat we see a very different result from Marner compared to the past two playoffs with the difference being these physical additions, in my humble, yet 100% completely correct opinion!!

    Isn't it great having hot Soup!?
    What happens when Sandin comes back? If I'm Keef, I'm sitting Holl, bringing back Lilligren, who did NOT deserve to be sat out! So, who do you remove to make room for Sandin? Remember, Sandin has played a physical game also, and his offensive skills are obvious!

    Do you let Holl AND Lilligren sit out?
    And isn't nice to have these kind of problems!!?

    Nother great one DTSB!
    Jack ~'()'~

  10. DTSB, looking forward , either way win or lose, do you see Gio Resigning in toronto? if so what do you think hes worth? Can you really afford to offer him a 2 year deal as he may get on the open market? hes older but hes still playing top 4 . so its only a matter of time for the dropoff.

    I do NOT agree with Boosh scratch . the Leafs need that physicality on the back end , hes also playing in top pair i dont think liljgren is the best option there,

  11. i wonder if they shyd away from playing Hedman against matthews because Hedman is a pretty good offensive defencman , Matthews and Marner Spend alot of time in the offensive zone. Neutralizing Hedmans offense more then say if hes playng against tavares nylander. I totally agree , Bunting is getting his injury managed , he was one of the highest scoring rookies in the league playing with those guys. Theres no way he drops all the way down to the 4th line. Honestly , if the leafs can go up 3-1 id give him a game off to tery and rest that injury.

  12. Here is what I think is going on with Mikheyev. This is only my oppinion. He’s a very motivated player right now. And I don’t think it has as much to do with the Stanley cup as it does his next contract and getting paid. He’s on a contract year. Beggining of the season he asked for a trade, if you want to win why would you ask for a trade from a team that has a good a chance as any to win. He wanted more ice , ex play with Matthews or Tavares or go somewhere else where he could get an elevated role and get more points and get a bigger longer contract. He’s already 27-28 he doesn’t have many prime contracts left to sign. I truely believe we’re seeing a motivated Mikheyev by money and his next contract. If I’m the leafs as well as he’s played this year I have to look at this season as an outlier and judge him by all his previous seasons with the club if they want to offer him a new deal. Which won’t happen because there will be some team jumping in to overpay him if the leafs don’t. Probably somewhere in the 2.75M-3M range per. And he’s not worth that at all. I predict a drop off next year. Unless he signs a 1 year contract.

  13. you're right about engvall. fire that puck in the net in a 1 goal game. hedman was really close and did let up at the end, luckily.

  14. Dubas is an absolute GENUIS for bringing in Kase and Kampf…..no one could have predicted how well they would play….and they have been amazing….also the Boosh trade!? He fleeced Arizona!

  15. Holl gets caught every game! he hurts the team more than he helps imo… remember Jake Gardiner? ya, that bad

  16. Lyubushkin is our best defensemen when clearing bodies away from the front of our net. I don’t think it’ll be the best decision to scratch him. Maybe swap him and Brodie during times of the game could be interesting

  17. What a brilliant and informed source of opinions and relevant questions you are, for us ancient Leaf fans! You’ve seen MoneyBall, right? Are you Jonah Hill’s twin Brother?? Damn…you’re as brilliant as Billy Bean, and your style is identical! Tell Me I’m wrong! Dare ya! 😂

    Anyyyyyway: appreciate you! Will be watching every day, between now and the day that Johnny Toronto and the Lads are finally awarded Lord Stanley again …after the decade (TEN long years) of hard work that the entire team at MLSE has dedicated to ensuring that the Buds are BACK!! Sheldon and the team are the best of what the sport represents. I’m proud to be true Blue in 2022…the ‘67 team are applauding!!

    GLG! And thanks for your well-considered opinions!! 🙏

  18. I'll probably get torched for saying it but i think Tavares is less than happy about being the number two or three guy on a Team. He's still very good but his body language and either sour or nonplussed face say's i'm not happy here .

  19. Loving how this team has new heroes every game, not just relying on Mathews and marner… hoping JT finds his game soon Willie has been getting chances. Not a fan of Justin Hall though.

  20. I agree with taking holl out. He makes me so dam nervous when he plays. He's a liability really. Take him out permanently please

  21. Holl and liligren are both not the best defensively but can both skate well and move the puck. Holl is a big guy. Why not put them both in the lineup. Use them in the right situations for defense then at least fill a fourth line winger position. I think Holl would work well with Tavares and Nylander allowing them to focus on offence with him being a defensive forward. It would also allow the defense to pitch on his side with him to cover. What I like best about Jack is that he always gives you his best and almost always blames himself when we have a bad game. If the rest of the team would have this attitude we would be hard to beat. I mean who won this game for us, It sure wasn't our 40 million dollar top 4.

  22. I thought for sure we would have seen Gio and Brodie play together since they were so good as a pairing for so long together.
    Rielly- labush
    Gio- brodie
    Muzzin- would like to see Sandin here but Holl has played an effective game with Muzzin. If Holl is being his usual inconsistent self then let Lily pad play with Muzz. Go Leafs Go

  23. Yo,I belive you have the best videos on the leafs, please make more content .
    I appreciate and look forward to all your videos. Sincerely
    Go leafs go

  24. Libuskin for game four yes he was great in game 3. Maybe a couple of miscues but other than that he was a beast.

  25. Switch things around. I'd like to see Cooper's face when he sees this game time lineup.

    Tavares – Matthews – Marner
    Mikeyev – Engvall – Nylander
    Kerfoot – Kampf – Kase
    Bunting – Blackwell – Spezza

  26. Boosh has to play, he's the only guy that gives out bone crushing hits.

  27. Jack Campbell won that game – his best performance as a Leaf. Couldn't be happier to be proven wrong.

    That said, it's just 3 games.

    He was unbeatable for 4 games against montreal and then fell off a cliff.

    Fingers crossed.

  28. There's no doubt in my mind they can beat any team in hockey and they've proved they can. I question their "heart". No letting up!!

  29. When the Leafs went 11/ 4 down the stretch , I began to believe, so maybe they can go all the way.
    When I say ALL the WAy ,
    I mean the CUP ,Wayne Simmons taking the CUP from Spezza and hosting it
    Tavares passing it to Matthew's.
    I say BREAK that curse

  30. This is going to be a true test for Campbell, He’s a very emotional goalie, he tends to let things go to his head very easily.the verbal warfare has begun. I read something about Cooper being asked about Jack Campbell and rather then say the normal “ he’s been good for their team, we have to do a better job of getting infront of him and not let him see as many pucks “ Cooper flat out said “the guys let in like 7 goals in the last 2 games if he wants to sit there and let in 3 goals a game we will take that” very smart for the lightening to get involved in verbal warfare towards jack. He’s been proven to let things go to his head a little to easy , I think the best thing they could do is Cooper continue to put the pressure on him through the media.

  31. If Bunting is feeling up to it, I'd actually slot him in beside Nylander and Tavares to try to spark that group and leave Kerfoot with Matthews and Marner.

    That leaves you Kampf, Mikheyev, Engvall, Spezza, Blackwell and Kase to sort out the bottom 6.

  32. I’ve always shaken my head at idiot fans that keep yelling shoot. Obviously you want to catch the goalie out of position or you want the goalies view to be hindered, however there has been way to many EXTRA passes that are more often than not getting picked off.
    There was a play last game where Kerfoot was looking for a pass that simply wasn’t there and it would have been best to just dump it back in TB zone instead he held it at the TB blue line and got stripped of the puck which went the other way for a goal. That’s the epitome of beating you self. I understand the team is offensive but if it’s not there get it deep and try and make something happen on the offensive zone. All to often I’ve seen these extra passes picked off. Also I’ve backed Nylander all this time but he is standing still waaayyyy too often. JT has struggled this year as a whole but he wins face offs game 3 he started losing a lot of crucial face offs and that is a bit alarming for me. He needs to at least win the majority of faceoffs especially if he isn’t scoring!!!

  33. Hey Down town,where are you ?? Its funny what I said,Justin Holl will lose games for the Leafs again like he has all season…So please when you finally do a podcast don't put on you're Holl Jersey…lol..lol..Told you so……😑🏒🥅

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