@Maple Leafs de Toronto

La légende du hockey Hayley Wickenheiser qualifie ce soir Hockey Canada de « honteuse » et appelle à un nouveau départ au sein de l’organisation. Dit que le retrait des sponsors est « un message fort. Cela va entraîner un changement, et c’est ce dont nous avons besoin ».

Notre AGA l’appelle comme ça. Aimer.



  1. S0uth3y

    Once again: As the owner of an awful lot of ice, the City of Toronto controls the most important asset Hockey Canada *needs* access to. They should announce that this year all lease renewals will be for 12 months only, and that next year they will reassess whether to lease any rinks or arenas to Hockey Canada at all. The decision will depend on how HC’s internal reforms work out going forward.

    The city should be confident that if HC collapses or loses the rinks, another org will soon be along to take over, and taxpayers won’t miss out.

    Also, if this happens, plenty of other municipalities will no doubt be happy to join in.

  2. NoCapnCrunch

    Not the place for this but what an ego check it would be to be around Hayley. What an accomplished human being

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