WARNING: Do NOT read if you’re still as heartbroken as I am. It makes things much worse. The guy was COMMITTED.
Wishing him all the best but wish more than anything he could’ve stuck around here.
Do you think making me sad is funny?
He didn’t wanna go…. God that’s fucking heartbreaking. It would be an easier pill to swallow if he had some gripe with management, but he wanted to be a part of it….
Legit tears here. I will never understand moves like this on rebuilds when a guy is 25 and considered a veteran who WANTS to lead a rebuild. Either way, it seems he has his head on straight and is looking at the positive side of this. The Sens have always been my east team, so this makes cheering for them even easier.
WARNING: Do NOT read if you’re still as heartbroken as I am. It makes things much worse. The guy was COMMITTED.
Wishing him all the best but wish more than anything he could’ve stuck around here.
Do you think making me sad is funny?
He didn’t wanna go…. God that’s fucking heartbreaking. It would be an easier pill to swallow if he had some gripe with management, but he wanted to be a part of it….
Legit tears here. I will never understand moves like this on rebuilds when a guy is 25 and considered a veteran who WANTS to lead a rebuild. Either way, it seems he has his head on straight and is looking at the positive side of this. The Sens have always been my east team, so this makes cheering for them even easier.
Good luck Alex, we all still love you here.
[oh captain my captain](https://media.tenor.com/CfrF66RSwHAAAAAd/brooklyn-nine-nine-pain.gif) why are you not our captain
Godspeed Cat, you magnificent bastard.
Why did we let a guy like this go? Terrible decision.