@Canadiens de Montréal

Drouin en spectateur à l’entraînement

Drouin en spectateur à l’entraînement



  1. Dank_Bubu

    Translation from RDS’ post:

    «  Weird situation for Drouin. He was asked to watch the power play from the bench of the second rink without ever participating ?!?

    The relationship between St-Louis and Drouin seems to go sour, is waivers the next step, a trade or something else ?

    In thirty minutes, Jonathan Drouin was an attentive spectator during the morning practice ! »

    Edit: a word

  2. big_sports_guy

    Looks like Marty doesn’t like his work ethic

  3. No_Contract_1

    Retirement soon. He even looks chubby in the off ice pictures

  4. mountainpope

    needless humiliation

    If he’s out of the plans, just send him down and shave a million off the cap or trade him for an inactive player

    it’s time to turn the page on this episode

  5. KeepUpTheFPS

    Engels Said he was taking reps on pp1 so not sure what RDS is going on about other than this clip

  6. Brannyy_

    Dude should retire or demand a trade at this point. Why are the Habs still holding onto him?

    Trade him, take your L and move on…

  7. KantanaBrigantei

    The guy sits on the bench to observe, and media is saying that he’s getting traded or put on waivers. I know he hasn’t been good, but damn do they love to sensationalize things in the media.

  8. bathbwoi

    I feel like at this point if Marty can’t talk sense into him or get him going there really is no hope left for Drouin.

    Some of the fanbase has always given him a hard time and then there is a part of the fanbase who has been patient and supported him through his tough times.

    I feel like this really is the last straw for both sides of the fanbase.

    He didn’t really show any hunger and enthusiasm in the preseason games or play like he had something to prove and it shows.

  9. Emer1929

    Drouin will retire after this year or 1 more year max.

  10. lyme6483

    The sooner he is off the roster better for everyone involved.

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