@Flyers de Philadelphie

On dirait qu’on a des pubs sur les maillots…

On dirait qu’on a des pubs sur les maillots…



  1. TwoForHawat

    Of course we’re getting ads. The Flyers need to have as much money as possible available, so Chuck Fletcher can spend it on free agency to make a 28th ranked team slightly worse the next year.

  2. StubbornLeech07

    I assume this is a fan/ticket holder survey which I wouldn’t say gives any kind of indication one way or the other about whether they will have jersey ads. It’s not uncommon for teamsvto survey fans about sponsors.

  3. tictacballsack

    You know, the only thing I gave our team credit for last year was being one of the few (only?) teams that didn’t have helmet ads. I bet we have those this year, and ads on jerseys the next.

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