@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Rallonger la barbe de Brent Burns après chaque victoire, jour #1

Rallonger la barbe de Brent Burns après chaque victoire, jour #1



  1. Impressive-Ad7792

    Fuck yes. This. Every bit of it. This is what I live for.

  2. TheHalfChubPrince

    This going to be a good one.

  3. kelvar13713

    Gonna be a fluffy season…got a feeling

  4. tbyrdistheword

    I fully expect to see this picture end up as a wall of hair by the end of the season

  5. KingPatrickIV

    Between this and the Finger Slinger I’m not sure I’ll be able handle the memes

  6. phunkodelic

    By the end of the season cousin it will have a challenger!

  7. adsheppa

    Finger me! I mean, I’m the beard!

  8. Badjokechip

    I kinda like this one over the fingers this year, shake it up a bit

  9. GarfieldKart2k20

    this is gonna be fun to watch.

  10. connor8383

    The way this sub is able to seamlessly transition between memes will never cease to amaze

  11. Weebber

    Now the Canes HAVE to go 82-0 or its disrespectful to The Beard.

  12. cl_solutions

    Funny thing is he may do it for you…..

  13. goodspellwr

    Thank god he’s 6’5”. You’re going to have to add a lot of length to that bad boy.

  14. thenewredditguy99

    Can each playoff win count as 1.5x beard extensions?

  15. Event_Horizions

    We may never lose again! For the BEARD!!

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