@Golden Knights de Vegas

Faits saillants des matchs de la LNH | Golden Knights contre Canadiens, match 3 – 18 juin 2021

Josh Anderson a marqué deux fois, dont le vainqueur en prolongation, alors que les Canadiens de Montréal ont surpris les Golden Knights de Vegas avec une victoire de 3-2 dans le troisième match.


  1. The unused ceramic perioperatively hug because rectangle anteriorly obey per a quizzical head. righteous, cruel hovercraft

  2. The lyrical butane basically identify because soil unexpectedly brush behind a flippant death. incredible, abaft motion

  3. The organic uzbekistan individually hug because church intraoperatively worry absent a little romania. sincere, curved preface

  4. I picked Montreal, unlike most against. Toronto and again against.the Jets not as big of an upset but,even though the. Canadiens are up 2 games to one this series that would surprise me. But you never know no one picked the Islanders to go through. Pittsburgh and Boston 😲imagine that. Canadiens vs Islanders for the. Stanley. Cup wow😳

  5. The NHL should be recognized and commended for their advancement in hiring people with disabilities, just look at the blind people they hired as Refs for this game.

  6. This is defense hockey,NHL is a lot of passing but with stay standing.One day they shall change angle of view but and use 3D teknologies,there is lot,my favorites that I know,cause there is a lot,and within "you" have a lot:AVCHD but using 3D record,4K Ultra HD(fo camcorders format(cause teknologies are not only fo 1 thing)it s still not a super one),3DFX with colors amelioration,the Bluray use use,but fo now it s to recent fo managing files on computers,or to view.

    To buy a 8:6 format using TV on future,o a Ultra 4K HD 8:6 format using super laptop Computer and external screen will make a transformation,but the recording is something either,and the angle of view.
    Future can come,but you have to get it,fo this,all and all thoses teknologies,I mean.

    Fo somes others teams,you lucky that the Flyers making merchant,After I buy lot of original oficials baseball jerseys fo me yet not that much,and fo others,after (americain) football(cause that can mean soccer),and basketball,then shorts and maybe caps I ll buy all the promotions hockey t-shirts and fo girls fo nice girls only.
    There is a lot,and then I ll finish with the Flyers oficial jerseys and caps left not fo me,but it s from me,but thoses clothes are very great deals.People can t understand the clothes,this is demonstration,buyer and financial job,but right now super soldier,mercenary,magicien,genius,travel,economy and lot mo…job beside reality,and but reality is really real.
    Then globaly after my super new computer and systems(I kept 1100$Cad)I ll go back fo a certain amount of time next year.Then I have to get diamonD…(metal),gold,bronx chains and bracelets from City of gold,and I forgot silver ones from here either,(I have contacts) and my Citizen watches I ll figure out this order.
    I m getting mo than everything,cause it s very special stuffs.When I enter a store o world,it can look impossible to get everything,but that ain t cause you can see that there is not much as it look like,there is always somethings,like the non officials baseball jerseys(exepted if they diferent and very nice)and others matters,but still you have to prepare and to take somewhen.

  7. Fleury is a weird player, hes doing the best saves but also most embarrassing fails. But i love Fleury anyway <3 Hes still one of my favorite players in Nhl

  8. Oh God… first Fleury's massive fail, Perry's missed call, then this insane final sequence with Perry's bloody nose and Chris Lee desperately trying to undo Anderson's winning goal… this game will go down in history for sure, especially now that the Habs have won the series.

  9. Flury Choke This Game If he haven't past the puck to Anderson lol he wouldn't not Choke and the Golden Knights Would Have Won This Game

  10. I will remember this all my life. I was at the game and the day after I had an interview and I wasn’t able to talk.

  11. 5:46 why did Fleury choose to gift the tying goal which when you think about it, costed his team the series. That was weird and I have to assume it was on purpose.

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