@Red Wings de Détroit

Lalonde confirme que Zadina et Suter seront des égratignures saines pour le match d’ouverture à domicile

Lalonde confirme que Zadina et Suter seront des égratignures saines pour le match d’ouverture à domicile



  1. crwtrbt5

    I thought Zadina looked pretty good in preseason. I wonder if he’s banged up?

  2. dandiogenes

    How Erne gets a spot over Zadina is beyond me

  3. CD23tol

    Zadina not being used properly… Fire Blashill

  4. shoelacerobinson

    I think we’ll see quite a bit of mixing and matching the first 2-3 weeks, so don’t think we should overreact to this lineup. Nice to see Soderblom get a shot, and wonder how Zadina will react to the news — certainly sends a message to him

  5. Longjumping-Bear-252

    Watching people freak out over this is insane. He’ll play 60-70 games. Relax people

  6. schmaleo505

    I wonder if this is Sodastream’s trial run and they give him 9 games to see and then swap in Zadina?

  7. Zadina is one of my favorite players and part of the reason why I watch and look forward to Red Wings games.

  8. griffs19

    That’s sure going to help Zadina’s confidence going into this season. Fucking joke

  9. buddycheesus

    I don’t know what people saw in zadina in the preseason that makes them so high on him. He’s been as underwhelming as Erne so pick your poison. Ras has been better than suter and zadina and Erne are toss ups. This sounds about right to me but what the fuck do I know.

  10. The_ManWithNoName

    Zadina was not drafted by Steve and Lalonde was not here. So they have no special ties to him. They are making the decision based on play not how high he was drafted. Zadina has a great shot but can’t generate offense on his own. Ernie can kill penalties which could be a reason behind it too.

  11. jaroomba

    I feel like we are overthinking this a little. We have a few guys who didn’t play any pre-season and are coming off injury (Copp/Sunny) going into weekend back to back games. Wouldn’t be surprised if we see Zadina and Suter on Saturday night.

  12. spoonyfork

    Blashill can’t keep getting away with this!

  13. AFreePeacock

    I’m a zadina believer but I’m a little annoyed with all the “hurt his confidence stuff”

    Not that that’s not a thing

    But there’s a point where he maybe also needs to be told “tough shit bro figure it out”

    That said this is def disappointing

  14. Sneacler67

    Oh no another coach not developing Zadina properly by not giving unlimited first line minutes. No wonder the guy still sucks /s

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