@Devils du New Jersey

Lignes de pratique d’aujourd’hui

On dirait qu’ils sont un peu plus intelligents aujourd’hui. Et Nico s’entraîne sur PP1 mais pas avec une ligne régulière normale, ce qui est un peu étrange. Shango-Hughes-Bratt Palat-Mercer-Holtz Tatar-Haula-Zetterlund Wood-McLeod-Bastian PP1 : Hamilton, Hughes, Hischier, Bratt, Tatar PP2 : Severson, Mercer, Holtz, Palat, Haula Via Amanda Stein : https:// twitter.com/amandacstein/status/1580957742042599424?s=46&t=0bQNHy6TvyKkaSNnTB9YcQ



  1. Franzblau

    Regarding the power play, Sharangovich seems like a significant omission. Also surprised we’re not using Wood/Bastian/Zetterlund at all as net-front presence.

    Also, was McLeod as bad last night as everyone is saying? At some point, I really think the staff needs to give up their faceoff-percentage addiction. Mercer should play 3C and Haula should play 4C so that Zetterlund can stay in the lineup.

  2. chrishic99

    Still don’t understand why we can’t have Hughes with palat and holtz. Guess it just makes too much sense for ruff. Bottom 6 is fine. Just swap the wingers in the top 6 and you have a functional team (that was able to produce during the preseason)

  3. Kornja81

    Ruff is dumb. At least try h20 line during an actual game. Why would you separate your best pure shooter from arguably your best playmaker (2nd best if you prefer bratt)

  4. dadphobia

    What is the obsession with Tatar on the PP1? Are we really supposed to believe that he’s better in that spot than Holtz, Palat, Mercer, Shango, hell even wood??

    And why is Shango in the doghouse and not on any powerplay?

  5. whichwitch9

    I don’t find the Nico exclusion too weird because I think he’s being hesitant. He’s had issues with nagging injuries for years now, and appears to be trying to avoid another one. If he’s being more vocal about how he feels and limiting his practice a bit, good for him. He’s worth way more healthy

  6. Beraval

    The lines I don’t actually have that much of an issue with just swape mercer and Hughes if Nico is out. However wtf is the power play. We’ve got plenty of guys capable of being the net front/bumper guy and none of them are on pp1. That was palats role on a very successful Tampa Bay power play and he is not being utilized as such.

  7. Practice lines don’t matter anyway because Ruff will just switch them up last minute before the game.

  8. I think the lines from last night were better tbh. They just needed to play the Bratt line more last night. Not sure Mercer is a top 6 center as of now if he’s not playing with Bratt

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