@Canadiens de Montréal

Suprématie Xhekaj

Suprématie Xhekaj



  1. Huevas03

    Dach has been everything I hoped he would be and X has been a great replacement for Romanov

  2. vince2899

    Not Guhle’s game, hope he’s not too hurt from yesterday’s game.

  3. Ok-Space-3803

    Xhekaj had a great night, another thing from that chart is Dach and Slaf tho. those two have been everything I hoped and more so far. Kovacevic and monahab also two other great addition from masterclass Kent Wughes. I dread to think of how bad we would look without all those additions from Kent

  4. Seb_Nation

    The Harris/Kovacecic pairing has been low-key very reliable after three games. When the veterans come back I’d like to see them stay together on a third pairing.

  5. Olihorn

    Please take Slaf off of Dvos line. He needs to be with Monahan and Dach

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