@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité d’avant-match de DJ Smith – 18 octobre 2022

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith avant le match d’ouverture à domicile des Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre Boston.


  1. Sick of the cliche answers and programmed responses from DJ. Fans want results not excuses and platitudes. Already lost eight points to divisional rivals🤦‍♂️ if they lose tonight change needs to happen ASAP. Been wanting DJ gone for a year and a half after some of the worst roster assemblies in Sens history but I was willing to give him a shot this year with a very good NHL club and bite my tongue. It’s far too easy breezy around this organization. Players need a coach that they fear and respect, not a buddy that makes excuses and talks up the other team before every game. I will happily have a big ol slice of humble pie if I’m wrong and they turn it around but I expect there will be a coaching change within the next 10 games and if they lose another four points tonight to divisional rivals they are in serious trouble just like the last two seasons. Get Alex Formenton signed ASAP!! We need his speed, fore checking and elite PK’ing! Motte is better suited on the 4th. Brassard seemed to have chemistry with Pinto so he could fit well on the 3rd line. Put Norris back on the top line until we get some wins, score some goals and get some swag going… Then fool around with the lineup and try different things. Chabot needs to have his ice time cut down, he’s not playing well and it’s hard for the other defenceman to get in the game and improve playing so little. Was so excited for this year but now it’s feeling like just another season like the last four… am I panicking or being too harsh? Perhaps… But time will tail.

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