@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Maple Leafs doivent-elles être tenues plus responsables? | Tim et ses amis

L’entraîneur-chef Sheldon Keefe a dû revenir sur ses critiques à l’égard de son équipe, mais l’a-t-il géré de la bonne façon? Tim et Ken discutent des problèmes fondamentaux que pourrait avoir cette équipe des Leafs. ———————————————- Abonnez-vous à Sportsnet sur YouTube – http://sprtsnt.ca/2paAT2L Visitez Sportsnet.ca pour plus d’actualités sportives et de faits saillants – http://www.sportsnet.ca Suivez Sportsnet sur Facebook – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTFB Suivez Sportsnet sur Twitter – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTTWTR Suivez Sportsnet sur Instagram – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTINST Suivez Sportsnet sur Snapchat – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTSNAP Regardez Sportsnet sur Sportsnet maintenant – http://sportsnet.ca /à présent


  1. Trash organization. Kyle Dubas is the biggest failure in Leafs history, this is all on him and Shanahan for putting him in charge.

  2. When your a coach you say it how it is…and if it is how it was said…you do not apologize for saying it.

  3. Only 4 games in and the leafs are getting trashed already, there 2 wins 2 loses, way to early to start calling out players, dosen't matter who they lost to. I'm sure if the leafs were 4 and 0, they would still get trashed just cause there the leafs.

  4. He should not have to walk back anything, the elite players are not performing. They haven't done it in the playoffs, they haven't done it consistently, and the rest of the team is lacking.

    While this may be their job, their workplace, their private employer and employee relations, we fans have spent millions since 1967. There are tickets, the merchandising, television and cable packages not to mention the emotional and mental commitments…these are rich, spoiled twenty-year olds that are entitled and oblivious.

    If I were their coach, they would be destroyed by me!

  5. Go Yotes. So much for the 'elites'. Nick Ritchie is like hiroshima, once the puck touches that stick, he's droppin' bombs..

  6. Yes. And the media for hyping up a brutal franchise. Murrey sunk the season and Dubas gave away too much money. Their window closed. Move on.

  7. What for though? They a junior team and this is the best they can do with their severely broken cap.

  8. Awww did Keefe hurt the elites feelings? How dare he! Lol. What a joke, just explains how soft this team is.

  9. It’s literally four games in, Oompa Loompa, there’s 82 games. And like they said. Stuff is said behind closed doors. We only see a fraction of these interactions.

  10. If you're whining in the locker room about what the coach has to say about your performance, it begs the question of do the stars not agree with what he said? Do they think that game was acceptable? Do they think that messing up these soft targets on the calendar are acceptable? If you're whining because someone is critiquing your performance, you probably don't have the perspective to know if they're right or not.

  11. Woke/pc hokey at its best. This is what happened when you made all the hockey players worry about virtue signalling/Blm/hate all cops/ crap last year. And not focus on actual HOCKEY. Last time i checked most hockey fand want to watch hockey not cnn. Stick to jockey and dont be PC call bad play and bad hockey when its warranted.

  12. 🍁 All “professionals” should be held accountable in their field of endeavor. 💰💰💰🍁

  13. Wtf is this? Who tf does Marner think he is? Keefe is the coach, stop the bs. Making him retract his statement? Is this a f joke? What has the world come to when players earn $11M a year and they show up for game 1 like a f house league team. Matthews and Marner falling down and can’t skate, can’t receive passes etc…these little fruitcakes need to get their f ass in gear. Bring back Babcock.

  14. Don’t panic button yet. Oilers can’t find their rhythm either. Why? Bc both their goalies suck. You can’t be a top tier team without a franchise goalie. Colorado got away with it for one spectacular season but their goalie was fired the year after they won the cup bc of that truth

  15. When you don't address the issues that are needed for this team to go forward with the type of players (pieces) to complete the puzzle yr after yr, it makes it easy for other teams to play against you because the formula for beating the Leafs is same . All the Leafs do is shuffle new players in and out of the 3rd and 4th lines and change their goaltenders every year. The reason for this is the personal and coaching that are running the team. They have no idea what they are doing, and the sad part is that their wasting the best yrs of the elite group of players that could be winning Stanley Cups for this team by now. This team again with out making any moves to get the players that will complete the team nothing is going to change the outcome

  16. the players dont care. they were given a tonne of money they didnt earn. they have no incentive to do better.

  17. I’m so sick of these morons saying players have to go to the greasy areas. That’s the worst thing to tell elite players to do or any players for that matter. You guys are clueless.

  18. I've been a Leaf fan since 1967 and used to scream at my TV like Steve Dangle does and now after 55 years I've learned Maple Leaf Gardens and The Leaf's current home is the place where every Canadian boy dreams to score a goal either for or against the Leafs, Leaf fans need to remember that many more times than not the opposing team is Always pumped and plays UP To the leafs level and not so much the leafs playing down to their level, give credit to the opposition and stop looking for phantom reasons to express your own frustration. A REAL Leaf fan is there tor the good and the bad.

  19. Tim you're absolutely right! Accountability is accountability so maybe the Toronto Media machine should start first by being a Fan and not a critic. Don't see any of you on the ice making those bad passes. Media will say anything for click bait these days so start the ball rolling and admit that the pressure that Toronto media puts on it's sports teams is one of the biggest problems for any athlete who might want to play for Toronto.

  20. In 1967 The media said The Old guys from Toronto were too old to win the cup and Montreal was going to win it for the EXPO 67 Celebrations and didn't we spoil their parade?

  21. The Leafs are to delicate. Coddled at every turn. Their too woke. Everyone knows it but doesnt wanna say it. Too politically correct, They need toughness from the get go. The habitual excusing how they don’t show up… or how they lose is always something they enact no matter the circumstance. This season because they always have failed… need to make a hard line of expectation right out of the gate. They have something to prove.

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